No one has the humanity and honesty to question the karnataka, goa government why a harmless writer is falsely labelled a security threat for 10 years

The domain investor is also a prolific english writer. Like many other writers in India, like daniel webar from odissa, she is also paid for her writing work by customers outside india.In odissa, daniel webar is leading a normal life, he is not falsely accused of being a security threat without any proof at all, and 13 raw/cbi employees are not getting monthly government salaries only for falsely claiming to own his iwriter, paypal, bank account for the last 10 years, without doing any computer work at all.

Though the domain investor is making less money than daniel webar since she is wasting her time fighting government fraud for the last 10 years, the CORRUPT LIAR karnataka, goa government are falsely labelling her a security threat without any proof at all, to deny her fundamental rights, and get monthly raw/cbi salaries for all the relatives, associates and BRIBE GIVERS of top officials who are only cooking, housekeeping or enjoying themselves, like goan robbers riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar, gujju school dropout naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, indore robber housewife deepika, ruchika kinge, asmita patel and other frauds

The indian and state government are closely monitoring the domain investor, and questioning her mental health when she becomes angry at being CHEATED, EXPLOITED for the last 10 years when all cheating, fraud victims are becoming angry.Indicating the widespread rot in Indian government and society, no one has the humanity and honesty to question the karnataka, goa government why a harmless writer is falsely labelled a security threat for 10 years to deny her the income and opportunities she deserved, making fake claims of account ownership, though she is earning less money than daniel webar, and the making money from exactly the same website

iwriter account photo exposes massive BRIBES paid by panaji gujju fraudster brothers karan, nikhil so that goa government makes FAKE CLAIMS about their writing work

iwriter account photo exposes massive WRITING, BRIBERY RACKET, CORRUPTION, ONLINE FRAUD in goa

For more than 7 years the goa government was making FAKE CLAIMS about the panaji gujju fraudster family of school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan, falsely claiming that they were online experts, domain investors, and prolific writers to pay three members of the fraudster family monthly government salaries while the real writer was defamed in the worst manner in panaji

In almost all states in odissa , harmless writers like daniel webar are treated with respect, the government will acknowledge their hardwork, skills
Only in goa,karnataka, allegedly bribed by google, tata ,harmless writers are falsely labelled a security threat without any proof at all, by the corrupt security agency employees like hathwar, kodancha, caro, mandrekar, nayak, pritesh chodankar, naik to steal their identity and get their lazy greedy inexperienced relatives like riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, nayanshree hathwar and bribe givers like gujju housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, raw/cbi jobs without doing any computer work, without investing any money in domains

The hardworking domain investor was criminally defamed in the worst possible manner and whatever work she was doing, the SHAMELESS LIAR FRAUD raw/cbi employees falsely claimed credit and got monthly raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the domain investor
So tired of the fraud, the domain investor has included a photo in her iwriter account (137870) which does not belong to any of the well paid google, tata sponsored LIAR FRAUD raw/cbi employees and their associates
This clearly indicates the massive BRIBERY RACKET, NEPOTISM, in goa, that officials were getting massive bribes from naina chandan, her sons nikhil,karan or were abusing their powers to make fake claims about their relatives like riddhi, siddhi, sunaina, nayanshree or bribe givers to get them monthly government salaries without doing any computer work at all at the expense of the real writer
The LIAR bribe taking government officials are laundering the black money to white when they make false claims that the online account belongs to the school dropout naina chandan, her sons, karan, nikhil , who do not have any bank account and are helped by google, tata in their online fraud

When the goa government end its writing, online fraud and stop making fake claims about the panaji gujju fraudster family

Photo in writer account exposes Haryana government, karnal, haryana FRAUD R&AW employee mba hr ruchika kinge’s writing fraud

One of the greatest frauds in the indian internet sector, is how no one believes in the domain investor, though she is telling the truth, because the ntro employees led by mhow monster ntro employee puneet had destroyed her credibility with his fake stories of cheating and manipulated videos
Though karnal, haryana FRAUD R&AW employee mba hr ruchika kinge was working in a american company xero business services, the indian, haryana and other state governments blindly believed in her lies, when liar ruchika falsely claimed to own the iwriter account of the domain investor because ruchika and her powerful boyfriends like mhow monster had destroyed the credibility of the domain investor

In a massive online fraud, the indian, madhya pradesh, goa, haryana government is repeating the LIES of another fraud from madhya pradesh (MP) , the mhow monster ntro employee puneet, who is FAKING his relationship with the engineer, his btech 1993 ee classmate, who he HATES, so that he can make fake claims about her business, and get all his lazy greedy fraud girlfriends, raw/cbi jobs with monthly salary without doing any work, without investing any money.

The engineer can legally prove that she has never interacted with mhow cheater puneet who HATES her in the last 26 years, and in college vrushali from pune was puneet’s girlfriend, yet the state governments in goa, karnataka, haryana, madhya pradesh, maharashtra continue with their fraud , indicating the worsening status of educated women in India, due to the indian government fraud on them.

Due to RACISM , and poor status of educated women, the indian government is blindly believing in the lies of the mhow monster puneet, who falsely claimed that his girlfriends were doing the writing work, and wasted taxpayer money falsely accusing the domain investor, engineer of money laundering for 10 years . In reality the engineer was also a prolific writer and she was making some money because of her writing skills, like other writers in India who are also making money online, since english language skills are in demand

Yet the indian, madhya pradesh, karnataka, goa government blindly believed the lies of mhow monster puneet who falsely claimed that his girlfriends like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, ruchika kinge, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons, karan, nikhil, and others who did no writing work, owned the iwriter account of the engineer to pay all these frauds a monthly government salary, while trying to find non existent proof against the engineer

Whatever writing work was done, the mhow monster puneet and karnal fraud ruchika falsely claimed credit, though ruchika and her associates were not doing writing work. Tired of being cheated, exploited and defamed, the engineer included a photo in her account, which proves that it does not belong to ruchika and her associates, yet the indian, haryana government continue with their writing fraud, indicating the lack of honesty, humanity in the indian and state governments.

Will the liar fraud R&AW employee ruchika kinge, haryana government continue faking ownership of the iwriter account.

Can the indian, karnataka government explain why bengaluru BRAHMIN CHEATER R&AW employee housewife nayanshree hathwar does not falsely claim to own daniel webar’s iwriter account

One of the greatest ONLINE WRITING FRAUDS in the world is how the indian, karnataka government (like the goa government) is aware that bengaluru BRAHMIN CHEATER R&AW employee housewife nayanshree hathwar is only COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING in her house in bengaluru,

yet in a major government FINANCIAL FRAUD, the LIAR karnataka government, like the goa government and other governments is involved in a ONLINE FRAUD falsely claiming that the bengaluru housewife who is cooking, is doing writing work, owns the iwriter account 137870 of a single woman engineer to pay nayanshree hathwar, a monthly raw salary at the expense of the engineer
In 2019 and for the last 7 years, there is no connection at all between bengaluru R&AW employee nayanshree hathwar and the engineer, nayanshree is a stranger to the engineer and has refused to reply to the engineer
Yet the indian, karnataka government continues with its fraud promoting, pampering and rewarding nayanshree hathwar, and CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the hardworking engineer, denying her the income and opportunities she deserved
There are many other indian writers, like daniel webar , iwriter account 136312 who are also making money with iwriter, the engineer would like to ask the indian, karnataka government why nayanshree is only falsely claiming to own her account 137870, why R&AW employee nayanshree hathwar does not falsely claim to own daniel webar’s iwriter account

India claims that all citizens are equal, so why does R&AW employee nayanshree hathwar not open her own iwriter account legally, why is the indian, karnataka government pampering and rewarding nayanshree hathwar, falsely claiming that she owns the iwriter account of a single woman engineer in goa who nayanshree hates, who the relatives of nayanshree criminally defame, hate

iwriter account photo exposes massive WRITING, BRIBERY RACKET, CORRUPTION, ONLINE FRAUD in goa

In almost all states , harmless writers like daniel webar are treated with respect, the government will acknowledge their hardwork, skills

Only in goa,karnataka, allegedly bribed by google, tata ,harmless writers are falsely labelled a security threat without any proof at all, by the corrupt security agency employees like hathwar, kodancha, caro, mandrekar, nayak, pritesh chodankar, naik to steal their identity and get their lazy greedy inexperienced relatives like riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, nayanshree hathwar and bribe givers like gujju housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, raw/cbi jobs without doing any computer work, without investing any money in domains

The hardworking domain investor was criminally defamed in the worst possible manner and whatever work she was doing, the SHAMELESS LIAR FRAUD raw/cbi employees falsely claimed credit and got monthly raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the domain investor
So tired of the fraud, the domain investor has included a photo in her iwriter account (137870) which does not belong to any of the well paid google, tata sponsored LIAR FRAUD raw/cbi employees and their associates
This clearly indicates the massive BRIBERY RACKET, NEPOTISM, in goa, that officials were getting massive bribes from naina chandan, her sons nikhil,karan or were abusing their powers to make fake claims about their relatives like riddhi, siddhi, sunaina, nayanshree to get them monthly government salaries without doing any computer work at all at the expense of the real writer

The LIAR bribe taking government officials are laundering the black money to white when they make false claims that the online account belongs to the school dropout naina chandan, her sons, karan, nikhil after TAKING BRIBES, who do not have any bank account and helped by google, tata

Comparing the condition of domain investor to daniel webar in odissa, is proof that goa is WRITING, ONLINE FRAUD CAPITAL of the world

when the relatives of security agency employees and others in odissa do not falsely claim to own the account of daniel webar, can the goa government explain why ROBBER LIAR riddhi nayak caro and others falsely claim to own the iwriter account of domain investor
The domain investor is able to invest money in domains, mainly because she is a very prolific writer. There are many other professionals like programmers, dentists who investing in domains, no one falsely claims to own their domains and get raw/cbi salaries monthly. Though she is not a trained writer, she is more prolific than almost all the writers in India.

On iwriter with more than 30,000 writers worldwide, daniel webar from rengali, odissa, account 136312, is considered one of the most prolific writers listed on the first page. The domain investor was earlier focussing on writing content for her websites, in the last few years, google has reduced the advertising to a great extent, hiring contractors for corporate espionage. Only after may 2019, the domain investor has focussed on writing for iwriter, account 137870 and she is far more prolific than daniel webar

In odissa, the security agency employees are not falsely claiming writers like daniel webar, a security threat without any legally valid proof. They are not falsely claiming that their relatives especially wives and daughters who are cooking, housekeeping, own the iwriter account of daniel webar and other writers.
Indicating that the corruption levels in goa are the highest in the world, and goa is the writing fraud capital of the world, the CORRUPT LIAR BRIBE TAKING security agency employees in goa are falsely labelling the domain investor, a security threat without any proof at all

In goa due to the high levels of CORRUPTION, NEPOTISM, the lazy greedy LIAR ROBBER wife of top security agency employee caro, riddhi nayak caro, who looks like actress solange, kangana ranaut, who is only cooking and housekeeping is falsely claiming to own the iwriter, paypal, bank account of the domain investor for the last 6 years to get a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the domain investor. Despite adding a photo to the iwriter account, cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro, shamelessly makes fake claims and no one questions the robber riddhi, her fraud husband caro, and liar father nayak

Similarly there are other relatives of officials like sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar and bribe givers like gujju fraudsters karan, nikhil, their school dropout mother naina chandan, gujju ca’s bespectacled daughter, who are not doing any writing work, who are falsely claiming to own the iwriter account to get a monthly salary, though the photograph in the account does not belong to them legally proving that they are not associated with the account.

The correspondence of the domain investor is also robbed without a legally valid reason. These fraud raw/cbi employees and their associates are also falsely claiming to own the domains, duping ICANN and domain registries in another major indian government fraud.The correspondence of the domain investor is also robbed without a legally valid reason

Yet the goa government continues with its writing, online, paypal, and banking fraud, proving that goa is the WRITING FRAUD, online fraud capital of the world, with the government refusing to take action against its LIAR, FRAUD BRIBE TAKING security and intelligence employees. This is posted as a fraud alert so that people, companies, and countries are not duped by the LIAR, FRAUD BRIBE TAKING security and intelligence employees

All countries, internet companies should be aware of R&AW, indian government WRITING FRAUD promoting R&AW employee bengaluru housewife nayanshree hathwar

Though officially R&AW claims that it hires experts in different fields, in reality NEPOTISM, CORRUPTION levels in india are extremely high, and many R&AW employees are only well connected mediocre unskilled housewives cooking and looking after their house, family, though R&AW, indian government is making up FAKE STORIES of their skills, experience and resume to pay them monthly salaries at the expense of the real expert

To ensure that the indian government EXPERTISE FRAUD is not exposed, R&AW, indian government is extremely vicious in criminally defaming the real expert in the worst possible manner, commiting a BANKING FRAUD on her while pampering and rewarding the well connected housewife

For example for writing, R&AW, indian government are involved in a WRITING FRAUD promoting R&AW employee bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, only looking after her house and family, falsely claiming that she owned the iwriter account 137870 for more than 6 years to pay nayanshree a monthly raw salary at the expense of the real writer who was criminally defamed.
A large number of internet companies and countries were duped by raw, ntro, cbi, indian and state government especially karnataka government regarding this fraud while the government agencies defamed the real writer in the worst possible manner as an uneducated person to deny the real writer her fundamental rights, ruining her reputation personally and professionally

In reality brahmin bengaluru raw employee housewife nayanshree hathwar was only cooking and looking after her family in bengaluru, her husband and powerful relatives in ntro hacked the laptops of the real writer with million dollar ntro equipment, and DUPED companies, countries and people with their fake stories of writing work in a clear case of indian government WRITING FRAUD
BANK DETAILS, income tax returns will also expose the writing fraud of the indian government

Only when the writer with iwriter account 137870, is comparing her terrible condition with Daniel webar from odissa, account 136312, asking why the writer is expected to tolerate the defamation, are some people acknowledging the government writing, banking fraud, why the indian government wants to falsely give nayanshree(and other raw/cbi employees) credit, monthly salary for writing work she does not do

To cover their writing, financial fraud for iwriter account 137870, SOCIOPATH LIAR ntro employees making up FAKE STORIES of tax evasion

many of the problems in the indian economy are because the government employees especually NTRo employees are involved in massive financial frauds, criminal defamation which they would never justify in an open debate

For example the ntro employees led by the LIAR FRAUD j srinivasan are justifying their writing, financial fraud for iwriter account 137870 falsely claiming service tax evasion when the revenues of the writer never exceeded rs 10 lakh after 2013
In india service tax was paid only for revenues of more than Rs 10 lakh, and it was increased to Rs 20 lakh in 2017
Iwriter itself admits the website started in 2011
The domain investor opened the account in 2013, and her revenues never exceeded Rs 8 lakh after 2013, so there is no question of service tax evasion
yet the SOCIOPATH LIAR FRAUD ntro employees led by j srinivasan are making FAKE SERVICE TAX ALLEGATIONS to pamper and reward CALL GIRLS like sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, ROBBERS like riddhi nayak caro, ruchika king, FRAUDS and falsely claim ownership of the iwriter, paypal, bank account

The real writer is being criminally defamed making up FAKE STORIES of service tax evasion, when it can be legally proved that no service tax was ever payable.

Google bribes indian and 5 state governments to make fake claims about iwriter account 137870 to destroy competition

In a clear indication of the extremely high levels of CORRUPTION, NEPOTISM and fraud in india is 2019, google has BRIBED the indian and 5 state governments in goa, karnataka, madhya pradesh, haryana, maharashtra to make fake claims about iwriter account 137870 to destroy competition with the help of fraud ntro employees like mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, vijay, parmar, patel,parekh, nikhil sha

After destroying almost all link sales, the google competitor is making some money writing to pay the massive domain renewal expenses. Yet in a clear indication of how ruthless the sundar pichai led google is in destroying competition and the reputation of link seller,5 state governments in goa, karnataka, madhya pradesh, haryana, maharashtra are making FAKE CLAIMS that raw/cbi employees and their associates who are not doing writing work, own the iwriter, paypal and bank account in proof of state and indian government FINANCIAL, WRITING FRAUD

The google competitor is under surveillance for ten years, all her activities are closely monitored yet the extremely CORRUPT indian government refuses to question the ntro, RAW/cbi employees and their associates who are making FAKE CLAIMS about iwriter account 137870.

When the google competitor is not on talking terms, there is no relationship between the google competitor and the raw/cbi employees why are the indian and state governments making FAKE CLAIMS for the last 10 years, criminally defaming the google competitor who is spending a lot of time writing

One of the frauds who google has been promoting extensively in the writing fraud is the LIAR FRAUD R&AW employe mba hr ruchika kinge, employee of an american company xero business services, who does no any writing work herself yet shamelessly and falsely claims to own the iwriter, paypal, bank account of the single woman engineer, google competitor the haryana conwoman, fraud ruchika hates

Indian government, NTRO, R&AW,cbi making fake claims about writing skills of bengaluru BRAHMIN CHEATER raw employee housewife nayanshree hathwar

stem cell therapy

In one of the worst cases of criminal defamation of hardworking indian citizens for 10 years, the indian, karnataka government, NTRO, R&AW, cbi, security agencies are making 100% FAKE CLAIMS about the writing skills of writing skills of bengaluru BRAHMIN CHEATER housewife nayanshree hathwar, falsely claiming that she owns the iwriter, paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer who her powerful fraud relatives in cbi, raw hathwar, kodancha, SUGAR DADDIES ntro employees mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, hate, have criminally defamed, sexually harassed for the last 10 years

bengaluru BRAHMIN CHEATER housewife nayanshree hathwar, 2005 bbm is only looking after her home and family she is not doing any writing work at all, yet in a massive fraud of the karnataka, indian government, ntro, raw, cbi these fraud agencies are involved in a massive BANKING FRAUD falsely claiming that she owns the paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer she cheated and refused to reply for the last 7 years

The government and the fraud agencies are repeating the lies of nayanshree hathwar’s LIAR SUGAR DADDIES ntro employees mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan who hate the single woman engineer, their btech 1993 ee classmate from a top college, so to defame the hardworking single woman engineer and destroy her life, they are falsely claiming that they know her well,and giving FAKE REFERENCES to nayanshree hathwar, veena and many other frauds who are their real girlfriends, sugar babies, to get them all raw/cbi jobs at the expense of the engineer.

In reality these fraud ntro employees have never contacted the engineer for the last 25 years and will never contact her since they hate her, yet in a clear indication of the worsening status of educated women, the indian government blindly believes in its LIAR FRAUD ntro employees who are faking a relationship with the engineer when actually they hate her and have done everything to destroy the engineers life for the last 10 years.

Writing is very time consuming, the engineer is spending at least 8 hours daily writing almost everyday while nayanshree hathwar and other lazy greedy fraud UNSKILLED raw/cbi employees impersonating the engineer are not spending even 1 second daily writing. Yet in a clear indication of extremely high levels of DISHONESTY, FRAUD of raw/cbi/ntro/indian and state governments especially goa, madhya pradesh and karnataka government, they refuse to acknowledge the time spent and skills of the engineer and make fake claims about CALL GIRLS, ROBBER, CHEATER, SCHOOL DROPOUT housewives

Surveillance and bank details will also legally prove the fraud of the indian and state governments on the harmless hardworking single woman engineer.
The indian government does not even have the decency or honesty, humanity to ask the section 420 fraud LIAR NTRO employees when they last contacted the engineer, and verify their liar employees claims with the engineer whose IDENTITY, correspondence they are robbing.

R&AW along with cbi should end its SKILLS FRAUD making fake claims about nayanshree hathwar and other raw/cbi employees like sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, admit that nayanshree hathwar is getting a monthly raw salary because she is a brahmin, has powerful sugar daddies, relatives in indian government agencies and stop CRIMINALLY DEFAMING, HUMILIATING the hardworking single woman engineer whose iwriter, paypal, bank account raw/cbi employees lazy liar frauds, falsely claim to own for the last 9 years.

This is posted as a fraud alert so that people, companies and countries are not duped by the lies of the ntro, raw, cbi, security agency, government employees