Goa government, officials, politicians are pathological LIARS, involved in massive WRITING FRAUD making FAKE CLAIMS about lazy greedy LIAR students

This is posted as as FRAUD ALERT so that people, companies and countries are aware that the goa government, officials, politicians are pathological LIARS, involved in massive WRITING FRAUD making FAKE CLAIMS about lazy greedy LIAR students allgedly BRIBED by google, tata

After panaji’s top SHAMELESS sindhi scammer brothers nikhil,karan chandan got government jobs for FAKING writing work with the help of google, now panaji shameless SCAMMER LIAR officials are trying to get other lazy greedy young frauds in st.inez other areas, government jobs for FAKING writing work

when the LIAR BRIBE TAKING greedy goa government employees are aware that panaji’s top SHAMELESS sindhi scammer brothers nikhil,karan chandan and other lazy greedy panaji students are not doing any writing work at all

So the real writer is wasting time daily exposing the WRITING FRAUD of liar goan officials, politiciians , so that people, companies and countries should be aware that the Goa government, officials, politicians especially in panaji are involved in a massive WRITING FRAUD since 2013, and should not be trusted, since they are making completely fake claims to criminally defame a google competitor, hardworking older single woman writer, to destroy her reputation completely
Income tax returns will legally prove that Goa government, officials, politicians especially in panaji are pathological LIARS making fake claims about writing work

Collegdunia reviews expose the real english skills of indians, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION, FINANCIAL FRAUD on single woman engineer since 2010

The goa, indian government is criminally defaming the domain investor falsely claiming that some students from St Xavier college and other young people are writing all the articles to pay them monthly government salaries, while the domain investor, the older single woman who is actually writing the articles, is criminally defamed as idle in panaji goa, involved in illegal activities to cover up the goa government writing fraud since 2012

In reality most indians, including college students from top colleges in goa, do not have good written english skills, no one will approve their articles, yet the indian tech, internet sector, google, tata continue making fake claims, while criminally defaming the real writer in the worst manner. The following review excerpts are taken from collegedunia, exposing the real language skills of students and most indian citizens

The fee structure is feasible for a middle man to afford Prices are less compared to other colleges
repeating lessons in order to ensure 100% grasping
The college management is helpful and will hear out all problems and try to iron out the issues faced by the students
Yess they are very helpful n motivating very nice extraordinary extreme loving staff good n the best
college always gets a trophy for this if you have the certificate from.this college your at a very high range of getting any jobs accros india

when most goa and other students, indian citizens, do not have good english skills, no one will pay for their articles , why is the indian, goan and other state governments making fake claims to pay the students monthly government salaries while criminally defaming the real writer in the worst possible manner in panaji, goa since 2012

Collegedunia review exposes panaji Iwriter, paypal, BANKING FRAUD on hardworking single woman

One of the biggest writing frauds in India, especially goa, is how sindhi scammer brothers nik, kiran are falsely claiming to own the iwriter, paypal, bank acccount of a hardworking single woman, to get monthly government salaries at her expense.

With the help of powerful fraud ntro/raw employees tushar parekh, parmar, nikhil sha, the panaji sindhi scammer R&AW employee nik is falsely claiming that he owns the iwriter, paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer, who has no one to help or defend herself against the fraud of gujju/sindhi officials, and getting a monthly government salary for making fake claims at the expense of the single woman
The panaji sindhi scammer R&AW employee nik does not have the honesty, humanity, integrity to open his own iwriter account, he is involved in cybercrime, stealing all the data of the single woman with iwriter account 137870 and falsely claiming that he is writing articles, when he does not have the english language skills, and does not spend any time daily doing the writing work in a clear case of labor law violations worse than the wistron Iphone factory

The real english language skills of panaji sindhi scammer R&AW employee nik can be checked at the Collegedunia review of the St Xaviers college, which shows that his english is far worse than the single woman whose reputation, life his fraud family has destroyed in panaji, goa by falsely claiming to own her iwriter, paypal, bank account since 2013, BRIBING the corrupt local officials, politicians and others to criminally defame the single woman

Countries worldwide should be aware of indian government labor law violations beating Wistron Iphone factory with its FAKE CLAIMS about iwriter account 137870 since 2013 , CHEATING, EXPLOITING, hardworking single woman

Karnataka, Indian government beats Wistron Iphone factor labor law violations with its FAKE CLAIMS about iwriter account 137870 since 2013

Apple claimed that it did not want to cheat the Wistron workers of their money, yet BRIBED by google, tata it can be legally proved that the Karnataka, Indian government beats Wistron Iphone factor labor law violations with its FAKE CLAIMS about iwriter account 137870 since 2013 to pay 15 google, tata sponsored call girls, cheater, robber housewives, liar greedy stock brokers and other frauds monthly raw/cbi salaries falsely claiming that all these frauds own the iwriter account, when these frauds are not doing any kind of writing and computer work.
The hardworking single woman writer is complaining online, yet the indian government is extremely ruthless and shameless in CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING citizens from poorer communities, especially older single women bribed by greedy fraud companies like google, tata , since the single woman has no one to help or defend herself against the government FINANCIAL FRAUD
Google, tata, fraud indian tech and internet companies are aware that shivalli brahmin cheater raw employee nayanshree hathwar, wife of tata power special electronics division employee guruprasad is only COOKING,CLEANING for her crooked shamelesshusband , does no writing, computer work at all, yet for ten years the indian governmnent has refused to check the financial records of nayanshree, other raw/cbi employees blindly repeating the lies of brahmin cheater ntro employees mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan
Everyday for the last for the last six years the single woman engineer is wasting 5-6 hours exposing the FRAUD of liar ntro, raw, cbi employees who are MISUSING her name to get nayanshree, goan bhandari sunaina chodan and other frauds monthly government salaries FAKING bank account ownership, domain ownership, yet the CORUPTION levels in the indian government are so high, that no one is even asking questions
This FIGHT against CORRUPTION, government FINANCIAL FRAUD is leading to the wastage of a huge amount of time , reducing the income of the single woman engineer greatly since no one is paying her for exposing the indian government financial fraud on her, criminal defamation, denying her the right to equality.

when nayanshree hathwar is only cooking, cleaning for her husband working in tata power , why is the indian government making fake claims about writing work to pay nayanshree a monthly raw salary while criminally defaming the single woman writer actually doing the writing work?

Bengaluru’s biggest brahmin COOKING, CLEANING, CHEATER housewife nayanshree hathwar, wife of tata power special electronics division employee involved in WRITING FRAUD

Indicating the lack of rights of educated hardworking single older women in India For 7 years R&AW, indian government made fake claims about bengaluru’s biggest brahmin COOKING, CLEANING, CHEATER housewife nayanshree hathwar, wife of tata power special electronics division employee, guruprasad to pay her a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper, a hardworking single woman, who actually owned the bank account, was doing the work

The indian government, R&AW, cbi, ntro were aware that bengaluru’s biggest brahmin COOKING, CLEANING, CHEATER housewife nayanshree hathwar, wife of tata power special electronics division employee like other raw/cbi employees including goan bhandari sunaina chodan, robber riddhi nayak caro, panaji sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil, were not doing any computer, writing work, yet indicating WIDESPREAD FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD in the indian tech, internet sector, the LIAR indian government agencies made fake claims to pay all these well connected frauds a monthly government salary at the expense of the hardworking goa 1989 jee topper, who was criminally defamed to cover up the FINANCIAL WRITING, COMPUTER WORK FRAUD

to cover up the FINANCIAL, COMPUTER WORK FRAUD, google, tata, indian tech, internet companies CRIMINALLY DEFAMED the hardworking single woman in the worst manner, making fake allegations without any kind of legally valid proof. So for ten years, though the single woman was complaining bitterly, no one was even willing to listen to her complaints or check the identity details of the fraud google, tata sponsored ntro, raw, cbi employees who falsely claimed that they were online experts, domain investors to get monthly government salary at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper

Though bank details have confirmed the FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD on the goa 1989 jee topper, a hardworking harmless single woman she has not yet got any compensation and the criminal defamation still does not stop , indicating the worsening status of educated single women in India , high levels of CORRUPTION, BRIBERY in india. This fraud is worse than the Wistron iphone factory labor law violations, yet the indian media, government refuses to cover the fraud,

Bank details legally prove that some panaji government employees, politicians are LIARS openly involved in WRITING, BANKING FRAUD

While in other states in India, politicians, officials may be corrupt, they do not make fake claims about the bank account of citizens, falsely claiming that their relatives, friends and bribe givers own the bank account of a person they HATE, CRIMINALLY DEFAME
Indicating the lack of integrity of high status politicians and government employees in panaji, goa, some extremely powerful officials and politicians are making fake claims about the bank account of a single woman they Hate, criminally defame, falsely claiming that the bank account belongs to their relatives and associates in a FINANCIAL FRAUD
these greedy goa government employees and politicians are aware that their relatives, friends and associates are not spending any time WRITING at all, yet telling LIES, making fake claims has become a part of panaji culture, that top officials like caro, mandrekar, nayak, pritesh chodankar are openly involved in the fraud for more than 8 years, without being questioned at all regarding their writing, computer fraud.

It is an indication of the rot in goa government, society that no one asks these officials, why they are making up FAKE STORIES of computer, writing work, cheating, exploiting, criminally defaming, the real writer

Can India Today justify the writing, FINANCIAL FRAUD of the goa government on a single woman writer since 2012

India today is ranking goa as the top small state, yet the goa government is openly involved in a writing, FINANCIAL FRAUD on a single woman writer since 2012 making fake claims about her paypal, bank account, online account, and the writing work she does
The single woman engineer, who doing writing work, because of the lack of suitable opportunities in panaji, goa, a small town is a prolific writer, spending 8-10 hours daily writing, and has alone written more than 4000 articles for customers worldwide (proof can be provided)

Yet in a clear case of government FINANCIAL FRAUD, labor law violation, with the help of CYBERCRIMINAL indian tech, internet companies, various high status frauds in panaji, especially the relatives of top security agency employees, and panaji’s top sindhi BRIBE govers, are falsely claiming to own the online account, domains, websites, paypal, bank account of the single woman and getting government salaries.

Multiple sources have confirmed that they are getting salaries, in one case, the domain investor has personally seen the sindhi scammers come back with salary slips for making fake claims after criminally defaming her. The shameless goan and sindhi scammer government employees are not doing any kind of computer work at all, have no online income, yet the goa security and intelligence agency employees are getting HUGE BRIBES so they are making FAKE CLAIMS about the panaji sindhi scammers, and their lazy fraud relatives

The real writer is only asking the goa government to check the bank details, pan, income tax returns of the different fraud raw/cbi employees who are falsely claiming to own her bank account, credit cards, yet the goa government is so CORRUPT, DISHONEST that it has refused to end the WRITING, FINANCIAL FRAUD for the last 7 years, or verify the details of the fraud goan, sindhi government employees
India today is a magazine which has a large number of employees who are mainly doing writing work, and it is aware that for the writing work, skills are required, a lot of time is spent, yet some state governments, especially in goa, are extremely brazen in their financial fraud on writers, making fake claims about their bank account, writing work to extort BRIBES from high status well connected frauds

Despite being the most prolific indian writer on iwriter, indian, goan government refuse to end their WRITING FINANCIAL ONLINE FRAUD on single woman engineer

though india today may have ranked goa as the top indian small state allegedly BRIBED by google, tata,fraud LIAR indian tech , internet companies goa continues to be the leading state in India for online, FINANCIAL, WRITING FRAUD

though the hardworking single woman is complaining bitterly , the indian, goan government refuse to end their WRITING FINANCIAL ONLINE FRAUD on single woman engineer, domain investor, SHAMELESSLY and FALSELY CLAIMING that her paypal, bank account, iwriter account belongs to various google, tata sponsored call girl, school dropout, robber housewife cheater, LIAR raw/cbi employees who do no computer work at all, have no online income at all

Google, tata,fraud LIAR indian tech , internet companies are aware that the various google, tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees are not doing any writing work at all, and are least interested in doing writing work in future yet being shameless section 420 frauds, LIARS, these internet companies continue to make fake claims and get well connected frauds, monthly raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the real writer

In november 2020, the single woman engineer is one of the most prolific indian writers on iwriter (id 137870) with 115 approved articles in a month, more than daniel webard from odissa, the most prolific writer on iwriter in cumulative articles written. She alone is spending her time writing, yet corruption, nepotism and fraud levels in goa, especially in panaji, goa are the highest in india, so the goa government refuses to acknowledge her work, and is making FAKE CLAIMS about various lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees who do no writing work at all.

Lakhs of indians BLACKMAILED by internet companies following google, tata, indian tech, internet companies iwriter fraud since 2013 after making FAKE ALLEGATIONS

Lakhs of indians BLACKMAILED by internet companies following google, tata, indian tech, internet companies iwriter fraud since 2013 after making FAKE ALLEGATIONS to CHEAT, EXPLOIT and ROB the real writer, actually spending her time writing and get google, tata sponsored frauds monthly government salaries

Since the indian government and society did not have the honesty and humanity to end the FRAUD of the GREEDY SHAMELESS LIAR tech, internet companies like google, tata, of CHEATING, EXPLOITING, harmless innocent people, based on FAKE CASES,FAKE ALLEGATIONS and continues to pay monthly government salaries to google, tata sponsored frauds like bengaluru brahmin nayanshree hathwar, sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro, sindhi scammer naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil with FAKE bank account, domain ownership, now lakhs of indians are being blackmailed, receiving extortion threats using FAKE CASES
IQ solutions
Freelancer forms
Orian technology
Nat enterprises
Golden enterprises
PRC solution
Rey Technology
UTS solutions
Work Novatech enterprises
VR enterprises
Xylem technology
Viz technology
HS enterprises
PG technology
wise word technology
Webalizer text solutions
Zet technology
Cradlesoft Enterprise
Zenith solutions
SUV Solutions
Elite services
Unicorn services
Equinox solutions
Technocraft solutions
Honey technology
FNA Solution
Software link solutions

while most people agree that it is not fair to demand huge amounts for a small mistake or making fake allegations, filing fake cases this is exactly what the indian government, internet sector led by google, tata has done to CHEAT, EXPLOIT, commit FINANCIAL FRAUD on the goa 1989 jee topper, a prolific writer since 2010, making FAKE ALLEGATIONS without any legally valid proof, to commit EDUCATIONAL, ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD of Rs 15 lakh annually on her
The shameless fraud google, tata, indian internet companies are aware that the goa 1989 jee topper alone is writing, no one else is helping her in any way, yet google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi employees are far worse than IQ solutions in making FAKE ALLEGATIONS, BLACKMAILING people to get their lazy greedy fraud relatives and associates government jobs CHEATING , EXPLOITING the real writer since 2010.

SOCIOPATH LIAR brahmin ntro/raw employees CRIMINALLY DEFAMING single woman writer to get COOKING, CLEANING brahmin cheater housewives and others monthly government salary

One of the best examples of CASTEISM, CORRUPTION in india, is how SOCIOPATH LIAR brahmin ntro/raw employees are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING single woman writer to get COOKING, CLEANING brahmin cheater housewives and others monthly government salary

Can the indian, karnataka government explain why BRAHMIN LIAR ntro/raw employees are making FAKE CLAIMS about COOKING, CLEANING bengaluru brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar and others to get them monthly government salaries at the expense of the real writerfd
DISHONEST LIAR brahmin Mhow monster ntro employee puneet is such a SELFISH SOCIOPATH that he does not realize that making fake claims about bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar COOKING, CLEANING is a FRAUD
bengaluru brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar is only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband, tata power special electronics division employee guruprasad, does no writing work at all, does not invest any money in domains

after duping companies, countries and people worldwide with their FAKE RELATIONSHIP, FAKE HELP stories since 2010 DISHONEST LIAR brahmin Mhow monster ntro employee puneet, j srinivasan and others agree that they actually HATE the real writer, their btech 1993 ee classmate from india’s top engineering college and have done everything for the last 10 years to destroy her life, wasting Rs 5 crore of indian taxpayer money annually to sexually harass, torture her
These fraud brahmin ntro/raw employees also agree that they have never interacted with the single woman engineer, writer, domain investor and since they have not helped her in any way, they have no right to interfere in her life

So can the indian, karnataka government, explain why the single woman domain investor, engineer, writer should tolerate the CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of the indian government employees who are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy girlfriends, associates in R&AW/cbi like nayanshree who do not spend any time, money online, are owning the bank account, iwriter account of a PRIVATE CITIZEN,denying her a life of dignity