Indian and state governments continue their WRITING FRAUD on a single woman engineer, making FAKE CLAIMS about scammer students, cheater housewives and other google, tata sponsored frauds

Goa government continues its online, FINANCIAL FRAUD making FAKE CLAIMS about scammer students, cheater housewives and other google, tata sponsored frauds
One of thebest indications of the terrible business conditions in goa, is how like the karnataka government making FAKE CLAIMS about benegaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad, who is only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband, Goa government continues its online, FINANCIAL FRAUD making FAKE CLAIMS about scammer students, cheater housewives and other google, tata sponsored frauds to get them government jobs at the expense of a hardworking single woman who has no one to defend her against LIAR brahmin, bania , google, tata employees

while it is easy to expose the WRITING, COMPUTER WORK fraud of greedy LIAR raw employees like siddhi, ruchika, amita patel, scammer sunaina who have a linkedin or social media profile, monitoring the activities, bank account of the scammer students, cheater housewives is the only way to expose the computer work, online fraud, since google, tata, internet companies are helping all the scammer raw/cbi employees with STOLEN DATA of a hardworking single woman engineer

The greedy government employees are aware that the scammer students like sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil chand, joshua are either studying, playing games or enjoying themselves, while the cheater housewives like robber riddhi nayak caro, naina chand, nayanshree, indore robber deepika are only COOKING, CLEANING for their crooked husbands. Yet since they receive massive bribes with the support of google, tata, the indian and state governments continue with their ONLINE, FINANCIAL, WRITING FRAUD, labor law violations on a single woman engineer, domain investor

These shameless greedy panaji students especially panaji sindhi scammer brothers karan, jio employee nikhil chand, joshua and their fraud parents school dropout naina chand, pran chand are ruthless in criminally defaming the hardworking single woman in the worst manner, making and circulating photoshopped videos, to ruin her reputation, yet being extremely greedy frauds and liars falsely claim that the scammer sons who are not spending any time at all, are doing all the work to get the scammer sons a monthly raw salary

Iwriter payment schedule changed, no details provided

One of the reasons the domain investor is not motivated because she is intentionally isolated and denied information, though everyone is falsely claiming to own her iwriter, bank account since 2010 and getting raw/cbi salaries without doing any work, or spending time.
For example the iwriter payment schedule was changed on 25 May 2021, yet she is not informed the reason for the change
This causes confusion for the domain investor, who is also a writer, but cannot make much money because she is cheated by google, tata’s favorite domain fraudster raw employee amita patel , tata power employee guruprasad’s wife nayanshree and other fraud raw/cbi employees

Dishonest LIAR indian internet companies continue to make fake claims about the written english skills of their favorite sindhi scammer family, to get them raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the real writer

Shameless sindhi scammers, gujju frauds have poor english skills, yet goa, indian government blindly believes all their lies to pay them monthly salaries at the expense of the real writer, who is denied a life of dignity in panaji, goa

One of the reasons the domain investor is complaining is because of the goa, indian government policy of blindly believing in all the lies of the Shameless sindhi scammers, gujju frauds who have poor english skills to pay them monthly salaries at the expense of the real writer, who is criminally defamed especially in panaji, goa
For example the goa government is falsely claiming that their favorite sindhi scammer school dropout naina chand who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nik chand, who have poor written english skills, own the domain investors iwriter account to pay the sindhi scammers a monthly government salary at the expense of the domain investor, writer
A collegeworld review by nik chand (name changed ) with terms like “100% grasping, well natured, “don’t go down well” clearly show that he does not have the english skills to get paid for the writing from customers outside india. The english skills of fraud brother karan, will be similar, and his school dropout mother liar naina will be even worse
Yet for the last 9 years, the panaji shameless scammer sindhi family is falsely claiming that they own the iwriter account of the single woman domain investor, writer who has no one to help or defend her against the shameless sindhi scammers, gujju fraudsters so that the sindhi scammer naina and her sons are getting a monthly government salary only for making fake claims
Google reviews of google’s favorite gujju domain fraudster amita patel also shows that her staff cannot speak english properly
In most families in india, english is not the mother tongue, to become proficient in english a lot of time and effort is required
When panaji top sindhi scammer family cannot write well in english why are google, tata, indian tech and internet companies making fake claims to get their favorite fraudsters naina, karan, nik chand monthly raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the real writer

Endless CHEATING, EXPLOITATION, Labor law violations on indian women writers by government agencies leave them demotivated

Since 2010, ntro,raw,cbi are openly involved in criminal defamation and labor law violations on hardworking skilled older women writers refusing to acknowledge their skills, work ethic, time they spend doing the writing work, taking advantage of the fact that the single woman writer like the domain investor has no one to help or defend her against ruthless greedy fraud brahmin, sindhi , gujju, goan and other fraud men and women, making fake claims about her bank account.
Instead these fraud agencies are falsely giving credit and government salaries to high status frauds like panaji greedy goan gsb housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, sindhi scammer brothers karan chand, jio employee nikhil chand , goan bhandari sunaina chodan, maria while the real writer is criminally defamed in the worst manner,denied a life of dignity.
So other than the payment from customers outside india, the real domain investor,writer is not getting any payment, the panaji intelligence and security agencies are pathological LIARS, FRAUDS criminally defaming the real writer, denying her a life of dignity, and making fake claims about their lazy greedy fraud relatives and BRIBE givers like sindhi scammer brothers karan chand, jio employee nikhil chand
Tired of being cheated, exploited for more than 11 years without getting any kind of help , the writer has decided to reduce the time she spends writing for clients since ntro,raw, cbi refuse to end their BANKING FRAUD which can be legally proved.

Though panaji sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee naina chandan cannot even speak english fluently, google, tata, jio making FAKE CLAIMS about the sindhi scammer housewife

Indian internet sector continues with EDUCATIONAL, SKILLS FRAUD making fake claims about the english skills of panaji sindhi scammer schooldropout naina chandan, eighth standard pass, illegally married at 16 to her scammer husband 16 years older

One of the best indications that the indian tech and internet companies led by google, tata, jio are LIARS, FRAUDS is how they are EDUCATIONAL, SKILLS FRAUD making fake claims about the english skills of panaji sindhi scammer schooldropout naina chand who looks like actress sneha wagh, to give the shameless sindhi scammer great powers, monthly government salary

Panaji’s most shameless sindhi scammer naina chandan, cannot even speak english fluently, since the panaji sindhi scammer naina was born in kolhapur, and studied in a marathi medium school, till eighth standard when she stopped studying to get illegally married at the age of 16, to her scammer xerox shop owning husband, pran chandan, 16 years older to her and goa’s top BRIBE GIVER
Yet showing that top indian internet sector officials and companies are pathological LIARS, FRAUDS , since 2012, google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi, jio, the shameless scammer sindhi, gujju community has been making FAKE stories about the sindhi scammer naina, her lazy fraud sons karan, jio employee nikhil chand, to get the shameless fraud family monthly government salaries at the expense of a single woman engineer, domain investor who has no one to help or defend herself against shameless scammer sindhi, gujju community, google, tata, jio, indian internet companies

So though the panaji sindhi, gujju community is promoting the sindhi scammer naina chandan extensively with their fake stories, one of the best ways to expose her lack of education is to speak to her in college level english

Panaji top sindhi scammer jio employee nikhil chand is a pathological LIAR involved in a writing fraud with his CHEATER brother karan chand, mother nisha chand

Panaji top sindhi scammer family of xerox shop owner pran chandan, his school dropout wife nisha who looks like actress sneha wagh, their scammer sons jio employee nikhil, karan chand (like goan bhandari fraud sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar) are aware that only the single woman engineer, who they criminally defame in the worst manner, is legally owning the bank account, and also doing all the computer work, spending many hours daily, mainly to pay for domain renewals
yet being shameless scammers panaji’s top sindhi scammer family, especially fraud jio employee nikhil chand are spreading false rumors that someone else is doing the writer work, though being a pathological liar panaji’s greatest fraudster nikhil chand cannot provide any proof that his lazy greedy friends or associates, with no computer, writing skills are doing the writing work

because of the fraud jio employees endless frauds in panaji, iwriter is asking for the paypal address to get updated because in panaji, goa fraud levels are so high that section 420 frauds and liars like google, tata, jio’s favorite sindhi scammers are considered role models and everyone believes the complete lies of panaji’s most shameless greedy sindhi scammer nikhil chand, jio management trainee

R&AW continues to make fake claims about wife of tata power employee guruprasad in BANKING FRAUD, showing tata’s complete control over R&AW

R&AW continues with its writing fraud to reward wife of tata power employee guruprasad, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree making fake claims about her BANK account

Indicating the complete control of large corporates like tata over the indian government, R&AW, since 2013, R&AW continues with its writing fraud on a hardworking older single woman engineer who has no one to help or defend her, to reward wife of tata power employee guruprasad, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree making fake claims that the fraud brahmin R&AW employee nayanshree only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband, with no online income, owns the bank account of the single woman engineer, the goa 1989 jee topper, to waste tax payer money paying bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree a monthly government salary
There is no connection at all between the the goa 1989 jee topper and bengaluru’s brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, nayanshree refused to reply to the engineer since 2012, after her relatives and friends stole the retirement savings , yet in another R&AW/tata/ntro/cbi fraud, these fraud companies and government agencies are allegedly falsely linking the single woman with ntro/raw employees like mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan, who HATE her to justify the financial fraud

The single woman engineer has not contacted the fraud ntro employees and not got any help from them, this can be legally proved, yet indicating the complete control of tata over R&AW , R&AW continues to make fake claims about the wife of tata power employee guuruprasad, who lived at shrikunti chs, marol, mumbai , while criminally defaming the single woman engineer, domain investor

The domain investor, engineer would like to ask ntro, raw, cbi, tata, indian internet companies why raw employee nayanshree does not open her own bank account legally, why she is falsely claiming to own the bank account of a single woman engineer, who she has refused to reply since 2013

In the never ending R&AW/cbi frauds, prolific writers, CRIMINALLY DEFAMED as attendants, so that greedy goan call girls, housewives, sindhi scammers and other frauds can falsely claim credit, government salaries

In the never ending online indian government frauds, prolific writers, webmasters CRIMINALLY DEFAMED as attendants, so that greedy goan call girls, housewives, sindhi scammers and other frauds can falsely claim credit, get government salaries

In the never ending online indian government frauds, prolific writers, webmasters CRIMINALLY DEFAMED as attendants, so that greedy goan call girls, housewives, sindhi scammers and other frauds can falsely claim credit, government salaries
Though indian tech, internet companies led by google, tata are falsely claiming that they are very honest, in reality it can be legally proved that these fraud companies are some of the greatest online fraudsters in the world targetting older hardworking single women domain investors for their FINANCIAL, SKILLS FRAUD, labor law violations and criminal defamation while rewarding lazy greedy goan call girls like goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi, greedy goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, panaji sindhi scamemr school dropout naina chandan, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, tata power employee’s wife nayanshree who do no computer work, and do not even want to purchase any domains legally
One of the best proofs of google, tata’s endless frauds is how they got the stock trader amita patel ( name changed) a raw job since 2013 falsely claiming that the greedy gujju stock trader, who never invested any money in domains, owned this and other domains of the single woman domain investor, while the real domain investor was criminally defamed in the worst manner.
Though she made fake promises that she would purchase domains to get the lucrative raw job, great powers, stock trader amita patel, who was later featured in moneycontrol, hindu business line was never interested in purchasing domains, yet google, tata continue to support her in the domain ownership fraud, causing great financial losses, to the real domain investor, proving that indian tech and internet companies are frauds
To cover up the domain ownership, the real domain investor is criminally defamed as an attendant, when she alone is owning and managing the entire business , yet the fraud worshipping indian tech and internet companies continue to criminally defame her and the business bank account ownership is the best proof of the fact that indian tech and internet companies are ruthless frauds.

R&AW/cbi employees rejecting articles written on Sunday, mainly to waste the time of the domain investor,

Kindly note that because of ntro, raw, cbi’s CYBERCRIME, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION, FINANCIAL FRAUD racket, 15 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan call girls, cheater, robber housewives especially slim goan bhandari dog owning fraud sunaina chodan, haryana scammer ruchika kinge, greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel and other frauds are getting a monthly raw/cbi salary for faking domain ownership since 2010, while the real domain investor is criminally defamed in the worst manner. To pay for domain renewal costs, the domain investor is writing articles for clients, yet the scammer raw employees especially cruel greedy animal like selfish karnal haryana scammer ruchika kinge, goan bhandari fraud are getting the article rejected. Since the article was not paid for, the article is reposted for reference since 7-8 hours have been wasted for writing the article . If the same articles were not written, the time could be used for cleaning or other activities, showing how cruel the raw/cbi employees are in harassing the domain investor . Another article written also written on Sunday is also likely to get rejected .

Avoid iwriter requests from ravio3, he will reject without a valid reason

For similar articles, please email .

Toronto, the capital of Ontario, is the largest city in Canada in terms of population. Hence a large number of people are relocating to Toronto for personal or professional reasons. Since purchasing an apartment is expensive, many people are interested in finding an apartment for rent at a reasonable rate. In other cases, individuals and families living in rental homes would like to move into another rental home. They would like to find out the average rents for the houses for rent near me in the greater Toronto area (GTA), so that they can budget accordingly and search for suitable home

Rental rates

Many people who have a limited budget are interested in finding condos for rent since they are the cheapest rental homes for families. They are usually interested in finding one bedroom-condos for rent. According to reliable real estate sources the average rental rate for condos in the Toronto area is $1145. Like other property rentals the condo rental rates will vary depending on location of condo. However, the rates in the more developed older areas of Toronto remain high, with some condo rentals exceeding $2000

The average rentals for apartments in the GTA again vary depending on the size of the apartment. According to the information provided by industry sources, the average rental for a two bedroom apartment is $1329 in 2021. Many families with children prefer a larger apartment with more bedrooms. The average rental for a three bedroom apartment is $1517, while average rentals for four bedroom apartments are $1755. More large families are preferring to rent apartments with five bedrooms, and the average rental for these apartments is $1963.

Some families prefer to hire townhouses since they are more spacious and offer more privacy. The average rental for a two bedroom townhouse is $1590. Reflecting the lower demand for three bedroom townhouses, average rentals are lower at $1542. The average property rentals for four bedroom and five bedroom townhouses are $2037 and $2356 respectively. This indicates that there is more demand for larger rental townhouses with four and five bedrooms, since people in the GTA are spending more time at home in 2020-21 due to the covid-19 pandemic.

Students, and professionals with a very limited rental budget are also interested in finding a room for rent near me. They can opt for a hostel room, which is affordably priced at $754 a month. However, in a hostel room some of the facilities especially cooking, bathrooms and others may be shared with others. So some students and professionals would prefer to opt for a bachelor apartment which is self contained and has more privacy. According to industry associations, average monthly rentals for a bachelor apartment in the GTA are $969

Factors affecting rentals

While the average GTA monthly rental rates have been specified above, the actual rates will vary greatly depending on a large number of factors. For example though the condo, apartment and townhouse monthly rental rates have declined by approximately 10% in most areas of Toronto, in a few areas there has been an increase in the rental rates. This is because apartments in newly constructed apartment complexes with the latest amenities and technologies are available on rent. The rental rates for these hitech apartments are usually far higher than the older apartments which do not have these amenities.The new constructed apartments usually have the best hardware, security, amenities. They will also require less maintenance and repairs for the first few years. So the rental rates are higher for these new apartments. Rental rates are usually lower in buildings a few decades old, which require repairs.

Another factor which determines the rental rates to a large extent is location of the property. Usually the rentals for properties in prime commercial areas, older areas of Toronto are usually higher due to higher land prices. In the suburbs and areas some distance away from the city, land prices are lower, so the rental rates for apartments, condos are lower. The demand for the condos in the suburbs are also lower, since people usually will have to spend more time commuting to their workplace. Usually people are willing to pay more for homes with better security features, reliable electricity and water supply.

All writing clients informed about indian government iwriter, paypal, banking fraud on writers

IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google, tata, indian tech and internet companies are openly involved in iwriter, paypal, banking fraud, falsely claiming that lazy liar fraud raw/cbi employees who do not any writing work at all, own the iwriter, paypal, bank account of a private citizen, who is criminally defamed in the worst manner, denied a life of dignity
Despite protesting for more than 7 years, the indian government refuses to end the CRIMINAL DEFAMATION, FINANCIAL FRAUD on the hardworking private citizen, making it difficult to lead a normal life or focus on the writing work
The goa government is also openly involved in a major writing fraud, falsely linking the identity, skills of a citizen, with the place where the person is, when writing work can be done at home anywhere . Just because the domain investor is not doing the writing work at her mailing address, the goa government is openly involved in labor law violations, FINANCIAL FRAUD falsely claiming that the iwriter, paypal, bank account of the writer belongs to the lazy greedy fraud relatives of greedy goa government employees like robber riddhi nayak caro, sunaina chodan, siddhi, and bribe givers like naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil who do no writing work at all

So now the domain investor is informing all her clients about the indian, goan government financial, writing, iwriter fraud on her, so that they are aware of how the indian government is criminally defaming, cheating, exploiting the real writers and making fake claims about fraud raw/cbi employees who do no writing work at all.