From a Twin to a King

Last week I bought my first bed. I had been sleeping on twin beds since I was a child. My parents bought my bed for me, and it served me well because I was just a kid, but as I grew, I became too big for the bed. When I was in college, I had a twin bed in my tiny dorm room, and I hated it. It wasn’t until my junior and senior year that I moved into a dorm that had a queen sized bed, and it was infinitely better. On Sleep Matters I found a nice king sized bed that was even better than the queen sized one.

The king sized bed that I purchased was a memory foam bed. The twin beds that I’ve used were all spring mattresses, and the queen sized one was a memory foam, which is why I went with that when I got the king bed. I had become used to the memory foam bed, and I liked it more than the old spring ones from my childhood and early college days. It was like the bed was specifically made for my body, and every time I got into bed, it was like my own personal space.

Although I slept on the twin bed for many years in my parents home, I’ll probably have to replace the king sized bed in less time. It is recommended that a bed be replaced after around seven years. I’m sure the bed will still feel fine long after that, but just to be safe, I should probably think about getting a new bed by that time. By that time, I’ll probably be married or close to getting married, and I’ll have to think about getting a bed that my wife and I will both enjoy.