NTRO, R&AW, cbi block Make in India, do not allow Indian content buyers purchase directly from Indian writers

The indian government has launched Make in India with great fanfare, and asks Indians to purchase from Indian businesses and save foreign currency.
yet in one of the greatest ironies for last 9 years, indian government agencies like NTRO, raw, cbi are wasting crores of indian taxpayer money to ensure that Indian businesses, content buyers do not purchase content, articles from indian writers directly
Better indian writers find that ntro, raw, cbi are stealing all the orders, leads they are getting directly, so that they get no orders from indian customers at all as part of the indian government defamation of the hardworking writers.
The only way some indian writers can get writing work is from some websites outside india, and indian content buyers are paying 35% commission to the website

Then the ntro employes are falsel claiming that the iwriter account of a private citizen belongs to call girl R&AW employees like sunaina chodan, siddhi who is supplied by google, tata to reward sunaina, siddhi for having SEX with the ntro employee for FREE since the ntro employees do not have to pay sunaina the Rs 5000-Rs 35000 which call girls in goa normally charge for having sex with anyone including the well paid ntro employees

Goan security and intelligence employees are SHAMELESS LIARS, BANKING FRAUDSTERS, waste time defaming and humiliating writers

Many of the financial problems in goa are related to the legally proved FACT THAT many Goan security and intelligence employees are SHAMELESS LIARS, BANKING FRAUDSTERS, waste time,tax payer money, humiliating and defaming hardworking writers, especially those with customers outside India

These LIAR goan government employees will refuse to acknowledge the real person spending her time doing writing work and falsely claim that google, tata supplied call girls, bribe givers like gujju school dropout naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan, and other cheaters who do not spend any time doing computer work, own the paypal, bank account of a writer

These intelligence and security agency employees are aware that the writer is very hardworking and skilled yet being born LIARS FRAUDS they will never have the honesty and humanity to acknowledge the real writer, instead CRIMINALLY DEFAME, CHEAT AND EXPLOIT the real writer, denying her the right to a life of dignity

Due to high levels of nepotism, India has almost no one in the top 10 in iwriter

R&AW officially claims that it is associated with experts in every field, yet in reality they are only hiring SUGAR BABIES , in case of women experts while ruthlessly defaming, cheating, torturing and exploiting the real expert
The iwriter website is interesting because they provide detailed statistics which almost no other website provides
South Africa, Kenya, Canada are far smaller countries than India in terms of population 50 million compared to India’s population of 1300 million
In south africa, kenya, english is not their mother tongue , yet there are more kenyans, south africans on the website because the indian government does not recognize and acknowledge merit

Bribed by google, tata, the indian government falsely claims that the lazy greedy sons karan, nikhil of the top gujju sex service provider cbi employee school dropout housewife naina chandan,who looks like actress sneha wagh, who are not doing any computer work, own the paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer to pay the lazy greedy panaji gujju sex service provider naina chandan, and her lazy fraud sons a monthly salary at the expense of the engineer

the indian and goan government refuse to acknowledge the skills and hard work of the engineer, and continue to make complely fake claims about panaji top gujju sex service provider naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, and other frauds like the goan bhandari sex queen sunaina chodan, riddhi nayak caro, to waste taxpayer money on all these frauds paying them a monthly salary.

the engineer who actually has the skills, is criminally defamed in goa, india, she is wasting a lot of her time trying to end the fraud of the goan government which falsely claims that the panaji gujju sex queen naina chandan and her lazy fraud sons, who do not do any work, own her paypal, bank account

, In kenya, south africa, the government is not as corrupt and inhuman as the indian government and does not falsely claim that that school dropouts, their lazy fraud sons,call girls sunaina, siddhi, robbers veena, cheater housewives like riddhi nayak caro, nayanshree hathwar and other frauds , who are not doing computer work, are online exprts, while criminally defaming the real writer, torturing her.

So the kenyan, south african writers are beating indian writers, since indian and goan government which continues with its fraud of falsely claiming that sex service providers, school dropouts and other frauds, who do no work, are online experts, expert writers to waste indian taxpayer money paying them all a monthly salary at the expense of the real expert

Catching fish is more profitable than working online

Google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi think that they are doing citizens a great favor allowing them to work online, when actually it is like slave labor, taking a lot of time , with very less money
In panaji, it is far more profitable fishing in a lake than doing work online, especially advertising and content writing.
For example on 6 June 2019, the domain investor, personally observed some boys fishing in the lake in campal,panaji, goa with very basic fishing equipment like nylon wire, and fishing hook
Within 10 minutes they had caught 3-4 big tilapia fish.
The fish were fairly large more than 20 cm in length
According to the boys fishing, 3 fish are sold for Rs 200 in the panaji market
In comparison for writing almost one hour has to be spent for each article of Rs 120-130, computer, internet connection charges are additional

So clearly if a person is only interested in making money, working online is a big waste of time, fishing in the lake or river will be more profitable.

Unlike Kenya, United states, canada, the indian government allows security agencies to continue with their WORK AT HOME FRAUD on Indian writers

The indian security agency employees work at home FRAUD on harmless hardworking indian writers since 2010, is an indication of the high levels of corruption, nepotism, and abuse of power, human rights abuses on harmless indian citizens working at home allegedly bribed by google, tata.

In United States, Canada,Kenya , there are a large number of citizens who work at home, they spend a lot of time doing the work, providing service or selling products to customers within the country, or abroad.
The government and security agencies in these countries is honest about the the hardworking citizens who are actually doing the work and do not falsely label them a security threat, ROB their correspondence like the robber raw/cbi employees riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodankar and falsely claim that google, tata sponsored SEX workers, cheater housewives, robbers, school dropouts like naina chandan, with sons nikhil,.karan, and othr fraud raw/cbi employees own their paypal and bank account of a private citizen to pay all the BANKING FRAUDSTERS a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the LEGAL PAYPAL, BANK ACCOUNT holder

When all other democracies do not falsely label paypal account holders, writers as a security threat without any legally valid proof, why is the indian government allowing the corrupt LIAR security agencies continue with their PAYPAL, BANKING FRAUD for more than 9 years and falsely claim that SEX service providers, their sons like karan, nikhil,robbers, cheaters and frauds who are doing no computer work, own the paypal, bank account of a private citizen

The domains are just an investment, most are listed for sale, and security ad intelligence agencies are free to purchase the domains with their salaries instead of falsely labelling domain investors as a security threat without any legally valid proof,to enjoy lifetime free sex with google, tata supplied sex workers, school dropouts and other frauds, get bribes

Unlike what the fraud liar google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi employees claim owning domains is not profitable in may 2019 the domain investor has spent $431 with one domain registrar, and the total income from domains is less than $300 the rest of the money she is making from writing, which is similar to the salary income, she is providing a service.

If she is writing for paying for the domains, ntro, raw, cbi employees like nayanshree hathwar, naina chandan can also purchase the domains using their monthly government salaries which they get without doing any work, without investing any money online at all

Lazy greedy young female LIAR from dehradun joins list of google’s fraud writers

The multiple cases of TRADE SECRET THEFT against TCS in the United States along with the $420 million fine on TCS in the Epic systems case, highlights the endless frauds and lies in the indian internet and tech sector .
The top internet sector officials are shameless pathological liars making fake claims to promote various lazy greedy women who are their sugar babies falsely claiming that they do work when bank details will prove that it is part of the never ending BANKING FRAUD of the sundar pichai led google, on a google competitor with at least women falsely claiming to own her bank account to get raw/cbi salaries
After the goan sugar babies sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, naina chandan, now the dehradun sugar baby is joining the long list of fraudsters cheating the domain investor, falsely claiming to own her paypal, bank account.

Google’s latest Dehradun liar fraud recruit sugar baby wearing peach tshirt with royal challenge, lives in st inez, panaji, and falsely claims she is writing, when actually she is not doing any work

the young dehradun fraudster is not doing any work at all, only shamelessly making fake claims to get crediit like the long list of google frauds faking paypal account ownership

In panaji, LIAR BANKING FRAUDSTER intelligence and security agency employees are defaming, humiliating writers

Writing is very tedious and it is a kind of paid work, since skills are required. Government employees and everyone does their writing work at home, because there is less noise and interruptions. Yet goa is one of the worst states for writers because the LIAR intelligence and security agencies are extremely vicious in their FRAUD on writers, especially writers with customers outside India

Many of the financial problems in goa are related to the legally proved FACT THAT Goan security and intelligence employees are SHAMELESS LIARS, BANKING FRAUDSTERS, waste time humiliating and defaming hardworking writers and other citizens

These LIAR goan government employees will refuse to acknowledge the real person spending her time doing writing work and falsely claim that google, tata supplied call girls, bribe givers like gujju school dropout naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan, and other cheaters who do not spend any time doing computer work, own the paypal, bank account of a writer

These intelligence and security agency employees are aware that the writer is very hardworking and skilled yet being born LIARS FRAUDS they will never have the honesty and humanity to acknowledge the real writer, instead CRIMINALLY DEFAME, CHEAT AND EXPLOIT the real writer

Writing skills of only brahmins and brahmin puppets acknowledged

In the last few decades, casteism has greatly increased in India, especially in the tech and internet sector. The indian media has largely been owned and controlled by brahmins and banias. Only brahmin, brahmin puppets and brahmin sex partners are allowed to write content online, if non brahmins are owning any website, ntro employees will monitor every word they are typing falsely claiming national security threat, ruthlessly monitor and torture the person writing content.

The ntro employees do not have resources to monitor overspeeding drivers, terrorists and other troublemakers, however they have plenty of time and money to monitor a harmless google competitor since 2010, and delete her content at every opportunity.

Though the indian constitution offers all citizens the freedom of speech in reality only brahmins, banias and their puppets, sex partners have the freedom of speech in india in 2017, all others are falsely labelled as a security threat in india in 2017,

For example the google, tata sponsored R&AW employees shivalli brahmin cheater housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar, goan obc bhandari sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, goan gsb frauds cbi employee housewife riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, gujju housewife naina and others do not do any work online, do not write any content, yet due to the lack of freedom of speech, writing, in goa in 2017, these google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI employees are getting credit and a monthly indian government salary.

Karnataka government involved in WRITING FRAUD making fake claims about BENGALURU BRAHMIN CHEATER R&AW employee nayanshree hathwar

If BENGALURU BRAHMIN CHEATER nayanshree does not want to give up her R&AW job, she should at least purchase the domains from the domain investor she CHEATED

India is facing many economic problems, no job growth, mainly because top intelligence and security agency employees are LIARS, involved in BANKING FRAUD, committing great atrocities on hardworking honest citizens, and rewarding LAZY LIARS FRAUDS with raw/cbi jobs falsely claiming that the frauds are business owners , experts in a particular field
For example the powerful ntro employee mhow cheater puneet was infatuated with the good looking shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, and hated his btech 1993 ee classmate from a top engineering college, who is very hardworking and experienced.
So the cunning fraud mhow cheater puneet FAKED his relation with his btech 1993 ee classmate who he hated, so that he could ROB EVERYTHING FROM HER, DESTROY HER LIFE COMPLETELY and get 6 of his lazy GREEDY FRAUD INEXPERIENCED GIRLFRIENDS raw/cbi jobs falsely claiming that they had the resume, savings and skills of his btech 1993 ee classmate who he hated
He falsely claimed that his SUGAR BABIES like nayanshree hathwar, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodank, who are not spending any time doing computer work, were doing the writing work to get all his lazy fraud girlfriends monthly raw/cbi salaries without doing any work, without investing any money at the expense of the engineer he cheated and hated. In 2019 the fraud puneet agrees that he hates the engineer, yet the karnataka government is REPEATING HIS LIES

Since BENGALURU BRAHMIN CHEATER R&AW employee nayanshree hathwar, is not doing any writing work at all, if she had any humanity and honesty, she should have at least purchased the domains of the domain investor she cheated, so that the engineer had some money for her expenses and free time

Instead nayanshree relies on her fraud LIAR SUGAR DADDIES BRAHMIN CHEATERS ntro employees j srinivasan, puneet to continue with their LIES AND FRAUD for more than 9 years making up FAKE STORIES about writing work, so that nayanshree gets a monthly salary without doing any work at the expense of the engineer she cheated, so that the engineer has almost no free time and very less money

Brahmin mhow monster NTRO employee puneet making fake claims about his SUGAR BABY shivalli brahmin nayanshree hathwar to get her a monthly R&AW salary

One of the greatest frauds of the indian internet sector is how the cruel cunning LIAR Brahmin mhow monster NTRO employee puneet , director of a domlur, bengaluru company is allowed to continue making fake claims about his SUGAR BABY shivalli brahmin nayanshree hathwar to get her a monthly R&AW salary, without doing any work at all, without investing any money online at all, at the expense of his btech 1993 ee classmate from a top college who he hates, and has sexually harassed for more than 9 years, stolen her correspondence, identity, savings, trade secrets

the cruel cunning LIAR Brahmin mhow monster NTRO employee puneet is putting his btech 1993 ee classmate from a top college who he hates under surveillance and then falsely claiming his lazy greedy SUGAR BABY bengaluru housewife shivalli brahmin nayanshree hathwar, who is not doing any computer work, is working online, to get a monthly raw salary at the expense of his classmate who he hates. When his SUGAR BABY nayanshree hathwar is not spending any time doing computer work, why is mhow monster puneet allowed to make fake claims.,

When BENGALURU;S TOP SUGAR BABY shivalli brahmin nayanshree hathwar like other fraud raw/cbi employees is not spending any time doing any computer work, why is the cruel cunning LIAR Brahmin mhow monster NTRO employee puneet, like j srinivasan, vijay, parmar and other frauds allowed to continue with their lies, why is he is not asked to shut up and stop making up fake stories about computer and online work to get all his SUGAR BABIES raw/cbi salaries without doing any work at all, without investing any money

The refusal to question pathological LIARS LIKE the cruel cunning LIAR Brahmin mhow monster NTRO employee puneet making fake claims about their SUGAR BABIES indicates a major problem in the indian internet sector, the lack of honesty and humanity of the indian government and society