One of the best indications of extremely high levels of CORRUPTION, NEPOTISM and FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian tech, internet sector is how R&AW/cbi is blindly believing in the complete lies of panaji’s top sindhi SHAMELESS SCAMMER family of school dropout cbi employee housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her shameless scammer sons raw/cbi employees karan, nikhil who are openly involved in CYBERCRIME and are using the stolen data of a single woman domain investor to make fake claims that their lazy greedy young friend, who actually does no computer work, is doing the writing work and duping companies, countries and people worldwide with their lies
The powerful greedy gujju officials like parmar, tushar parekh, nikhil sha, patel are openly involved in CYBERCRIME on the single woman domain investor, writer, who they have CRIMINALLY DEFAMED for more than ten years, to destroy her credibility, taking advantage of the fact that she has no one to defend her and are then falsely claiming that the work is done by their lazy greedy fraud associates,
Instead of realizing that the panaji sindhi scammer brothers nikhil,karan are pathological LIARS like their scammer schooldropout shameless mother and father, iwriter and goan government is blindly believing in the lies of panaji’s top fraudster family
Finally the money trail, proved that the payment was received in the account of the single woman domain investor, so now the sindhi, gujju scammers, ntro, raw, cbi are spreading false rumors that the writer has forgotten to update the paypal account details to cover up their writing fraud, when these shameless greedy fraud gujju, sindhi scammers are aware that their fraud friends are not doing any writing work at all.
So iwriter is repeatedly showing the message, update your paypal address, you will not be paid,.
These false rumors, banking fraud indicates the increase fraud levels in indian, goan society, government
Writing articles is very time consuming takes 7-8 hours a day, the writer has almost no time for other work, why will a writer give the wrong paypal/bank account for more 24 months, can the goan, indian government explain
Category: Uncategorized
Women writers not allowed to get any paid work in India so that they can be CHEATED, EXPLOITED
Allegedly BRIBED by IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google, tata, ntro/raw/cbi employees are involved in CYBERCRIME, stealing all the data of the goa 1989 jee topper and then falsely claiming that they own her paypal, bank account, domains, to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper since 2010. Though she is an experienced engineer, indian tech and internet companies are not allowing her to do any engineering work at a fair salary to force her to agree to identity theft
To cover up their CYBERCRIME, BANKING FRAUD, they are not allowing her to get any paid work in India, and then falsely claiming that her iwriter account 137870 of the goa 1989 jee topper belongs to the lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees especially bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan,siddhi mandrekar, ruchika kinge, sindhi scammers karan, nikhil who are not doing any writing work at all, to get all these frauds monthly government salaries at her expense, while the domain investor is criminally defamed, denied a life of dignity.
In reality a writer can get paid work in India, for example Bhargav Shandilya (account 638934) , who has a iwriter account, is working in a startup called Compose corner in Bengaluru, and is probably paid more for the writing work in India since iwriter takes a 35% commission. During the lockdown, bhargavns was doing more iwriter work, and after the lockdown was lifted, he is focussing on his indian clients, he is not writing on iwriter regularly.
Only the single woman domain investor, goa 1989 jee topper is not allowed to get any writing work in India, so that she can be CHEATED, EXPLOITED with LIAR raw/cbi employees falsely claiming to own her iwriter, paypal, bank account and getting monthly salaries without spending any time and money for doing computer work, without making the effort to improve their english language skills since 2013.
The domain investor would like to ask the indian internet sector, when Bhargav Shandilya, Daniel Webard, Tabrez and other iwriter writers are allowed to get paid work in India, why is the single woman domain investor, writer not allowed to get any paid work in India for the last 7 years and expected to tolerate FINANCIAL FRAUD
In panaji writing fraud, LIAR security agency employee CROOKED caro knows that his wife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro is only COOKING, CLEANING for him, makes up FAKE STORIES of computer work to get robber riddhi monthly cbi salary
In panaji writing fraud, LIAR security agency employee CROOKED caro knows that his wife cbi employee ruthless ROBBER riddhi nayak caro is only COOKING, CLEANING for him, makes up FAKE STORIES of computer work to get robber riddhi monthly cbi salary at the expense of the real writer and is allegedly supported by google, tata, indian internet sector in this online, writing, financial fraud
to cover up their online, FINANCIAL FRAUD, panaji’s most CORRUPT government employee couple, CROOKED caro, ROBBER riddhi are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real writer in the worst manner to destroy her reputation completely
the indian internet sector, IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google,tata continue to pamper, reward panaji’s top CORRUPT CHEATER couple crooked caro,ruthless robber riddhi, refusing to question them on their writing, BANKING FRAUD on the goa 1989 jee topper
Writing and business ownership fraud is the reason why unemployment levels in goa are so high.
Writing and business ownership fraud is the reason why unemployment levels in goa are so high.
The times of india carried a report, that the unemployment levels in goa are very high, and more than one lakh people are registered with the employment exchange. The reason for the high employment level is because the goan officials are openly involved in Writing and business ownership fraud , making it extremely difficult for real business owners to hire anyone in goa.
Allegedly bribed by google, tata, the goan government is blindly believing the lies of high status CYBERCRIMINAL raw/cbi employees like goan bhandari sunaina chodan, robber riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, sindhi scammer school dropout housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy greedy fraud sons karan, nikhil, who falsely claim to own the bank account and business of a single woman domain investor who they hate.
These fraud raw/cbi employees have not opened the bank account, do no writing or other work at all, and have no proof of business ownership, yet the goan officials are blindly believing their complete lies for the last 8 years, to pay them monthly salaries, To cover up their business ownership, banking fraud, these raw/cbi employees are criminally defaming the real business owner, robbing her correspondence, so that it is almost impossible to hire anyone.
So the goa government policy of blindly believing in high status frauds FAKING business ownership, rewarding these frauds, is the real reason why it is difficult to hire anyone in goa.
Though the domain investor writes more content daily than any india today employee, DISHONEST LIAR indian tech, internet companies allegedly led by google,tata ruthless CHEAT, EXPLOIT, CRIMINALLY DEFAME her
India today and all online websites pay their staff for the content they write, only the domain investor is expected to write for free, let fraud raw/cbi employees get credit, monthly salaries
Indicating the widespread CHEATING, EXPLOITATION of single women domain investors in India, India today and all online websites pay their staff for the content they write, only the domain investor is expected to write for free, spending hours of her time daily, let fraud raw/cbi employees get credit, monthly salaries without doing any kind of computer work.
the domain investor has observed that india today staff for their website is writing from 9 am to 9 pm, they do not work outside those hours usually
India today has a large staff who will write for the different sections of the website
Indicating the lack of honesty and humanity in the indian internet sector, the internet companies led by google, are ruthless in criminally defaming the writer, domain investor for not updating the content, forgetting that she alone is writing a large part of the content, though raw/cbi make up fake stories about their lazy greedy fraud employees like robber riddhi nayak caro,naina chandan who have never done any kind of writing work at all
The domain investor is producing more written content daily than any india today employee yet only because she is not employed, fraud companies like google, tata, and others are CHEATING, EXPLOITING her since 2010
Though the domain investor writes more content daily than any india today employee, DISHONEST LIAR indian tech, internet companies allegedly led by google,tata ruthless CHEAT, EXPLOIT, CRIMINALLY DEFAME her
DISHONEST CORRUPT indian internet sector refuses to question google, tata sponsored panaji shameless sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil on their iwriter, paypal, BANKING FRAUD since 2013
In another example of fact that ntro, raw, cbi employees, top indian internet sector officials and companies like google, tata are PATHOLOGICAL LIARS who should not be trusted at all, is how the indian internet sector refuses to question google, tata sponsored panaji raw/cbi employees shameless sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil on their iwriter, paypal, BANKING FRAUD since 2013 falsely claiming to own the iwriter, paypal, BANK account of a hardworking single woman to get monthly government salaries at the expense of the single woman
Since their shameless sindhi scammer school dropout mother naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, has never used any computer,the google, tata sponsored panaji raw/cbi employees shameless sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil did not even have a computer in their home till 2017, and do no paid work for customers outside india, they are only playing mainly on their mobiles
SHAMELESS FRAUD LIAR brahmin, bania dominated tech and internet companies like google, tata, fraud officials like tushar parekh, parmar, nikhil sha mercilessly hound, hardworking single women falsely claiming that they are worried about honesty, yet they refuse to explain why google, tata sponsored panaji shameless sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil are allowed to continue with their iwriter, paypal, BANKING FRAUD since 2013 to get salaries at the expense of the real writer, a single woman, iwriter account 137870
Internet connection details will also expose the google, tata sponsored panaji shameless sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil and their iwriter, paypal, BANKING FRAUD since 2013 , yet indicating the worsening status of single educated women in india, google, tata , indian internet companies refuse to question their favorite sindhi scammer brothers on their BANKING FRAUD, why google’s favorite sindhi scammer brothers are not opening their iwriter, paypal, bank account legally, why they are falsely claiming to own the account of a single woman they HATE, file fake dengue complaints against.
Some LIAR panaji politicians are openly involved in WRITING, BANKING FRAUD, criminally defaming real writer as being involved in illegal activity
Indian internet sector,indian, goa government openly involved in massive iwriter fraud since 2013 CRIMINALLY DEFAMING single woman writer
Indicating the massive levels of fraud in the indian internet sector, indian, goa government openly involved in massive iwriter fraud since 2013 CRIMINALLY DEFAMING single woman writer refusing to acknowledge the work done, time spent, skills, of the single woman, and falsely accusing her of illegal activity so that well connected frauds like sindhi scammer school dropout housewife cbi employee naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro and others can falsely take credit and get monthly government salaries at the expense of the real writer
The top indian internet and tech companies allegedly led by IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google, tata are openly involved in BANKING FRAUD, supporting all the fraud raw/cbi employees who falsely claim that they are doing the writing work, when they do not spend any time writing for customers outside india, do not have the skills, and are least interested in doing any kind of writing work
One of the best indications of the extremely high levels of FRAUD in panaji, goa, is that instead of acknowledging the work done, skills, some of the leading politicians in panaji are openly involved in LIES, FRAUD CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real writer, iwriter account 137870, a single woman, as being involved in illegal activities and then falsely claiming that the account belongs to well connected fraud raw/cbi employees like sindhi scammer school dropout housewife cbi employee naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro
The domain investor who is also a prolific writer, is cheated of Rs 15 lakh annually because of the goa, karnataka, maharashtra, haryana, madhya pradesh, indian government fraud since 2010 on her, is complaining just like thousands of indians who complain on websites like consumercomplaints, complaintsboard, complaintslists after being cheated, there is no national security or mental health issue involved
Google openly involved in iwriter fraud in India on google competitor since 2013 to destroy competition
Google is ruthless in destroying competition in India and it is openly involved in iwriter fraud to do so., To ensure that the google competitor, a single woman does not get any advertising, competing with google adwords, it is BRIBING the goa, karnataka, madhya pradesh, maharashtra, haryana government to MAKE FAKE CLAIMS about the iwriter account of the google competitor, 137870
The LIAR state governments are falsely claiming that 13 raw/cbi employees who do not writing work at all, own the iwriter account 137870 for the last 7 years, in a major government FINANCIAL, WRITING FRAUD
there are many indian citizens who have a iwriter account, the indian and state governments do not make fake claims about their iwriter account to DEFAME, CHEAT, EXPLOIT the writer, only the google competitor with iwriter account 137870 is targetted for indian and state government fraud, denying her a life of dignity, the income and opportunities she deserves
Then after convincing the LIAR indian, state governments, especially in goa to make fake claims about iwriter account 137870, stealing data like the TCS $140 million data theft, google and the CORRUPT LIAR officials on its payroll are spreading false rumors about the source of income of the google competitor, to criminally defame, cheat and exploit her
No one has stopped the CYBERCRIMINAL DATA ROBBER 13 raw/cbi employees from opening their own paypal,bank account, they refuse to do so, yet continue with their fraud for the last ten years with the help of google, liar ntro, raw, cbi employees
indian government openly involved in world’s greatest iwriter FRAUD for 7 years making fake claims about bengaluru brahmin CHEATER housewife R&AW employee nayanshree hathwar
This is posted as a FRAUD ALERT, so that countries,companies and people are aware that BRIBED by google, tata, indian government openly involved in world’s greatest iwriter FRAUD for 7 years making fake claims about bengaluru brahmin CHEATER housewife R&AW employee nayanshree hathwar, 2005 BBM and other fraud raw/cbi employees falsely claiming that the iwriter account of a single woman domain investor, engineer, private citizen, belongs to the google, tata sponsored, robber, cheater, school dropout, housewife, call girl and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do no writing work at all to pay all the frauds a monthly government salary while criminally defaming the real writer who is denied a life of dignity
The real writer for iwriter account 137870 is spending 8-10 hours daily writing, yet the indian government is openly violating labor laws, and making fake claims for more than 7 years in a case of government slavery which the international labor organization should be aware of
When the single woman writer is protesting against the government CORRUPTION, FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY, the liar government employees are criminally defaming, torturing her and questioning her mental health for exposing their BANKING, WRITING FRAUD
For 7 years RAW wasted indian taxpayer money in WRITING FRAUD, paying bengalurui shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree
The domain investor is closely following the disha salian case, because it shows the attitude of the karnataka government, officials and politicians towards single women from karnataka who have been cheated, exploited or are victims of crime
Though bihar is a far poorer state than karnataka their politicians, officials and governmment had the courage to support the family of Actor Sushant Singh rajput in their quest for justice, find out what exactly happened.
On the other hand,. disha salian born in udupi, was living in mumbai finds that her problems are being covered up, her mother said that there was no link with Actor Sushant Singh rajput , though whatsapp messages show otherwise , and the death is being covered up as suicide.
This is mainly because the karnataka intelligence agencies do not support people from the state, especially single women professionals they are very good at ensuring that the family of single woman professionals is also forced to shut up
For example, though there is no legally valid proof against the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer from karwar, kumta the karnataka government, officials continue with their fraud on her falsely claiming the the shivalli brahmin cheater R&AW employee bengaluru housewife nayanshree hathwar, 2005 bbm from bhandarkars college of arts and science kundapura, udupi, karnataka has the impressive resume, savings, bank account of goa 1989 jee topper in a FINANCIAL FRAUD repeating the LIES of BRAHMIN FRAUD ntro employees j srinivasan, mhow monster puneet
The BRAHMIN FRAUD ntro employees mhow monster puneet, director of a domlur, bengaluru company and j srinivasan both HATE the goa 1989 jee topper, their btech 1993 ee classmate from india’s top engineering college, so to destroy her life these BRAHMIN FRAUD ntro employees are involved in the professional MISCONDUCT of FALSELY CLAIMING that bengaluru’s top cheater housewife nayanshree 2005 BBM has the resume, savings, paypal, bank account of their btech 1993 ee classmate to get nayanshree a monthly raw salary at the expense of their classmate.
These BRAHMIN FRAUD LIAR SOCIOPATH ntro employees j srinivasan, puneet are also DUPING countries, companies worldwide with their complete lies regarding nayanshree while CRIMINALLY DEFAMING their real btech 1993 ee classmate, a single woman kshatriya engineer who they HATE. These SOCIOPATH LIAR NTRO employees have never interacted with the goa 1989 jee toppper, and have no right to interfere, yet are CUNNINGLY MISUSING her name in a major indian government FRAUD
The shameless fraud LIAR shivalli brahmin dominated karnataka intelligence and security agency employees led by frauds kodancha, hathwar have hounded the honest hardworking goa 1989 jee toppper for more than ten years, sexually harassing, monitoring her bathroom in multiple states and houses falsely claiming that they are extremely worried about honesty
. Yet these GREEDY FRAUD SHAMELESS LIAR shivalli brahmins are aware that their lazy fraud relative nayanshree is only 2005 BBM, only COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING, has no online income at all, yet since shivalli brahmin officials are SHAMELESS LIARS, FRAUDS they continue to repeat the LIES of brahmin fraudsters j srinivasan, puneet involved in professional MISCONDUCT so that bengaluru’s top fraud brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree gets a monthly raw salary without doing any work at all at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper for the last 7 years in a major indian and karnataka government FINANCIAL,EDUCATIONAL, ONLINE FRAUD
The karnataka government is also supporting other CYBERCRIMINAL FRAUD LIAR raw/cbi employees like goan bhandari sunaina chodan, greedy gujju stockbroker asmita patel in their FINANCIAL, DOMAIN, COMPUTER WORK fraud on the goa 1989 jee topper, since these fraud raw employees have done a BRIBERY DEAL with the karnataka intelligence and security agencies
The indian government expects citizens to get support from their home state, in case of the goa 1989 jee topper and others like disha salian, the karnataka government, officials and politicians do not support single woman professionals who are victims of CRIME, FRAUD
This is posted as a FRAUD ALERT so that countries, companies and people worldwide are aware that NTRO, RAW, cbi, major indian and karnataka government FINANCIAL,EDUCATIONAL, ONLINE FRAUD making FAKE CLAIMS about bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, 2005 bbm with no online income at all, CHEATING & EXPLOITING the goa 1989 jee topper in another example of SHIVALLI BRAHMIN FRAUD, CHEATING EXPLOITING of meritorious kshatriya professionals
R&AW should admit that it is WASTING taxpayer money paying a monthly salary to a bengaluru brahmin houswife nayanshree hathwar only COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING, with no online, writing income and stop DUPING countries, companies and people worldwide