Panaji young gujju fraudsters karan, nikhil,do no writing work, rely on their SCHOOL DROPOUT mother naina chandan to get top ntro employees addicted to her SEX services

Panaji, goa remains the writing fraud capital of the world, with the LIAR top intelligence and security agency employees making completely fake claims about the writing skills, experience of the LAZY LIAR greedy young gujju fraudsters karan, nikhil, the sons of the top gujju sex service provider SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh

It can be legally proved that the LAZY LIAR greedy young gujju fraudsters karan, nikhil, both commerce students have never done any writing work in their life for customers outside india. Instead they rely on their SCHOOL DROPOUT mother, the gujju SEX QUEEN of panaji, naina chandan to seduce the top ntro and other officials, make them completely addicted to her SEX services.

Then these ntro employees like parmar, parekh, puneet, nikhil sha are so desperate to have sex with naina, that they will do whatever she tells them, including making up completely fake stories about computer, writing work, paypal, bank account, abusing their powers as top government employees
Bank details will legally prove that the gujju panaji fraudster family is not getting any payment from customers outside india, they only have local customers paying cash, yet NTRO, raw, cbi, security agency employees continue their paypal, BANKING FRAUD for more than 7 years criminally defaming the single woman engineer who is the legal paypal, bank account holder

Surveillance will also prove that school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, her sons nikhil, karan (like sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro) are not doing any writing work at all, yet the goan and indian government is blindly believing in all their lies
This posted as a fraud alert so that people do not believe in the lies of ntro, google, tata employees who are involved in a major writing fraud since 2010

why is goan government blindly believing the LIES of shameless young panaji gujju fraudster karan, involved in a writing fraud

Karan, panaji’s top LIAR young gujju fraudster continues with his panaji real estate fraud
Supported by the fraud companies google, tata,Karan’s top LIAR young gujju fraudster,son of the gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, continues with his panaji real estate fraud, falsely claiming to own the house of a single woman engineer who his family, google, tata, goan security and intelligence agencies hate, when he has no legal papers
The shameless GREEDY LAZY LIAR FRAUD gujju cheater karan, who is studying commerce in don bosco, panaji, has no income of his own and could not have purchased the home legally, has no legal papers for proof of ownership, yet shamelessly and falsely claims to own the house, paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer to get a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the engineer
the shameless LAZY LIAR FRAUD gujju cheater karan is supported in his real estate, paypal, banking fraud by the powerful lovers of his SCHOOL DROPOUT mother naina chandan, parmar, parekh and nikhil sha who are abusing their powers, to falsely claim that the young gujju fraudster who does no computer work, owns the iwriter, paypal account of a single woman engineer who these gujju officials hate
It is an indication of the widespread rot in indian and goan society, government that no one is asking SHAMELESS LAZY LIAR FRAUD gujju cheater karan for proof of ownership of the house, paypal, bank account, everyone believes all his LIES to give the gujju fraudster karan great powers
Google, tata are ruthless in their real estate frauds on indian paypal account holders and the tshirt wearing LAZY LIAR FRAUD gujju cheater karan is the latest real estate fraudster from panaji
This is posted as a fraud alert, so that people are not duped by the lies of google,tata, gujju officials promoting the young LAZY LIAR FRAUD gujju cheater karan,making up fake stories when they are aware that the panaji gujju fraudster karan is not doing any writing work at all

Surveillance and bank details will also legally prove that the fraudster karan, is not doing any writing work, only telling FALSE STORIES, yet the goan government blindly believes in the lies of the gujju fraudster

Karan, Nikhil, sons of gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee naina chandan, continue their writing fraud for another month

Please note that panaji is the writing fraud capital of the world, with the goan government making fake claims about Karan, Nikhil, the LAZY LIAR sons of gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee housewife naina chandan, who continue their writing fraud for another month, falsely claiming to own the iwriter account of a single woman engineer who their family hates

Some of the most dangerous and ruthless frauds in panaji are the gujju officials like nikhil sha, parekh, parmar who are shameless LIARS, lacking credibility who should not be trusted, since they ruthlessly have defamed a hardworking harmless single woman engineer for the last 10 years and have stolen her identity to get raw/cbi jobs with monthly salary for LAZY GREEDY INEXPERIENCED SCHOOL DROPOUT gujju housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh and her lazy fraud sons, nikhil, karan without doing any computer work, without spending any money online

though the fraud companies google, tata have PAMPERED, PROTECTED, REWARDED LAZY GREEDY INEXPERIENCED SCHOOL DROPOUT gujju housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh and her lazy fraud sons, nikhil, karan for 6 years to get them monthly cbi salaries at the expense of the single woman engineer, domain investor who google, tata, ntro employees hate , it is clear in 2019, that naina chandan is only a gujju sex service provider, eighth standard pass illegally married at 16 to become india’s top gujju sex service provider

So now the fraud LIAR gujju panaji officials like parekh, nikhil sha who refuse to admit their mistake, are now falsely claiming that nikhil, karan, the lazy fraud unskilled sons of the gujju sex queen cbi employee naina chandan, who are not doing any computer work at all (like goan raw/cbi employees bhandari sunaina chodan, riddhi nayak caro), own the iwriter, paypal and bank account of the single woman engineer whose identity their SCHOOL DROPOUT SEX SERVICE MOTHER has robbed to get a monthly cbi salary. These frauds can purchase expensive cars like a red maruti vitara brezza l2233 and scooters, yet they do not have the decency to purchase the domains they falsely claim to own to get a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the engineer

BANK DETAILS will legally prove that young panaji gujju fraudsters karan, nikhil are fraudsters, LIARS, falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer who their entire family hates, yet because their school dropout mother has regular sex with the most powerful gujju officials and their balding bespectacled father offers money bribes to top intelligence and security agency officials, the goan and indian government blindly believes all the lies of the young shameless LIAR panaji gujju fraudsters nikhil, karan, without asking them for any kind of proof

To cover up their BANKING FRAUD, the shameless liar gujju fraud family of naina chandan, her sons nikhil, karan, and husband, are criminally defaming the hardworking single woman engineer, making fake allegations without proof for the last ten years.This is posted as a fraud alert, so that people are aware of the fact that the gujju officials in goa are LIARS, SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED AND LACK CREDIBILITY since they are shamelessly and falsely claiming to own the house, paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer with the help of google, tata, ntro,raw, cbi employees

Now tshirt wearing dehradun fraudster supported by haryana blackmailer R&AW employee mba hr ruchika kinge in her writing fraud

One of the reasons why there is less job growth is because the indian government blindly believes in the complete lies of shameless lazy greedy frauds like the haryana blackmailer R&AW employee mba hr ruchika king, nayanshree hathwar who do not want to do any work, do not work hard to acquire skills, shamelessly make false statements and falsely claim to own the bank account of harmless hardworking citizens, who they ruthlesssly criminally defame with the help of fraud companies like google, tata
The government also gives great powers to these lazy greedy unskilled fraudsters and liars and skilled citizens are falsely labelled a security threat without any proof at all.

bank details will legally prove that google, tata are fraud companies involved in criminally defaming hardworking indian paypal account holder and promoting ruthless greedy animals in human form like the haryana blackmailer R&AW employee mba hr ruchika kinger who falsely claims to be a woman’s right activist when actually she is far worse than most men, in exploiting and cheating hardworking harmless single woman
Now it appears that the PATHOLOGICAL LIAR haryana blackmailer R&AW employee mba hr ruchika kinger is now making fake claims about another young fraudster from dehradun, who was wearing a maroon tshirt with a pocket, and jean culottes, who is working in a house on the seventh floor in the building in st inez, panaji

The fraudster haryana blackmailer R&AW employee mba hr ruchika kinger is aware of the fact that the tshirt wearing maidservant is not doing any computer work, yet along with google, tata, the fraud ruchika is involved in a maidservant fraud, falsely claiming that the tshirt wearing servant, who has no writing skills is owning the iwriter and bank account of a single woman engineer, who ruchika hates, to criminally defame the hardworking engineer

Bank details will legally prove that mba hr ruchika king is a ruthless liar, cheater, making fake claims about the maidservants, housewives and other lazy greedy frauds like maroon tshirt wearing servant from dehradun, yet it is an indication of the widespread rot in indian society and government that no one questions the liar ruchika king why she is making false statements and defaming the engineer.

This is posted as a fraud alert, so that people do not blindly believe in the lies of haryana blackmailer R&AW employee mba hr ruchika kinger and ask for bank details as proof of writing, since ruchika is a pathological liar who should not be trusted.

Goan call girl R&AW employees are KISSING EXPERTS, not writing experts

One of the greatest frauds of ntro, raw, cbi is how they are promoting the goan call girl R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi , who have no online income as online writing,experts, domain investors, when the real skills of these raw employees are very different.
Both the raw employees are queens of kissing and experts in the art of seducing men, not in writing

Now siddhi has made her facebook page private, a few years ago, it was public and it had a lot of steamy photos of siddhi hugging, kissing and being kissed by her multiple boyfriends
In particular there was a photo of siddhi being kissed simultaneously on either cheek by her multiple boyfriends and she was extremely proud of her photo

Though the panaji goan bhandari slim sex queen sunaina does not post any photos on her social media pages, people in panaji , especially those who walking on the footpath, near the fire brigade, and government quarters, st inez would get a glimpse of sunaina’s kissing skills, as she kissed her boyfriend on his neck, while he was driving his grey j8651 scooter
Unfortunately for the last three months, now slim sex queen sunaina’s photographer boyfriend has got a job outside panaji, probably outside india, and is visiting her only once in three months. so the walkers in panaji are missing the free kissing entertainment which the slim goan bhandari call girl raw employee sunaina offered to the public in panaji, especially st inez and campal area

From a Twin to a King

Last week I bought my first bed. I had been sleeping on twin beds since I was a child. My parents bought my bed for me, and it served me well because I was just a kid, but as I grew, I became too big for the bed. When I was in college, I had a twin bed in my tiny dorm room, and I hated it. It wasn’t until my junior and senior year that I moved into a dorm that had a queen sized bed, and it was infinitely better. On Sleep Matters I found a nice king sized bed that was even better than the queen sized one.

The king sized bed that I purchased was a memory foam bed. Continue reading “From a Twin to a King”

Extremely cruel BRIBE TAKING security agency, ntro employees mercilessly torture hardworking writers in panaji,goa to cover up their BANKING FRAUD

It is extremely difficult to work in panaji, goa because the Extremely cruel BRIBE TAKING security agency, ntro employees are LIARS, BANKING FRAUDSTERS shamelessly making fake claims about the bank account of hardworking private citizens to get google, tata supplied goan call girls, school dropouts like gujju housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh and her sons,karan, nikhil, robbers like riddhi nayak caro and frauds to get all these frauds raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the hardworking citizen

These section 420 fraud ntro, security agency employees who are supported by googke, tata in their human rights abuses, they mercilessly torture hardworking writers in panaji,goa to cover up their skills, BANKING FRAUD causing insomnia and great pain to the hardworking harmeless writers in panaji, This adversely affects the productivity of the writer, since they are likely to make more mistakes if they have not slept well.

In other states like orissa, tamil nadu, the leaders and officials have the honesty, humanity and vision to acknowledge the skills, experience of writers and other hardworking citizens only in goa, the government continues to make fake claims about the SKILLS, BANK ACCOUNT of google, tata sponsored SEX SERVICE PROVIDERS, robbers, cheaters and frauds and mercilessly tortures hardworking citizens.

Extremely cruel BRIBE TAKING security agency, ntro employees mercilessly torture hardworking writers in panaji,goa to cover up their BANKING FRAUD

It is extremely difficult to work in panaji, goa because the Extremely cruel BRIBE TAKING security agency, ntro employees are LIARS, BANKING FRAUDSTERS shamelessly making fake claims about the bank account of hardworking private citizens to get google, tata supplied goan call girls, school dropouts like gujju housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh and her sons,karan, nikhil, robbers like riddhi nayak caro and frauds to get all these frauds raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the hardworking citizen

These section 420 fraud ntro, security agency employees who are supported by googke, tata in their human rights abuses, they mercilessly torture hardworking writers in panaji,goa to cover up their skills, BANKING FRAUD causing insomnia and great pain to the hardworking harmeless writers in panaji, This adversely affects the productivity of the writer, since they are likely to make more mistakes if they have not slept well.

In other states like orissa, tamil nadu, the leaders and officials have the honesty, humanity and vision to acknowledge the skills, experience of writers and other hardworking citizens only in goa, the government continues to make fake claims about the SKILLS, BANK ACCOUNT of google, tata sponsored SEX SERVICE PROVIDERS, robbers, cheaters and frauds and mercilessly tortures hardworking citizens.

Buying the Perfect Coffee Machine

Coffee is an essential part of the day. It helps has to be productive and tastes amazing. Cuppabean has the best information about all of the current coffee machines on the market. Coffee connoisseurs may have different tastes, but they can almost always agree that the perfect cup of coffee is one that is skillfully crafted. There are coffee machines for every budget, including those that can also multitask and make fancy espresso and tea.

Even if you’re a beginner, you can craft amazing coffee with the press of a button. Some machines have built-in coffee grinders and allow the flavor to be released right as the coffee is brewing for optimal freshness. All your friends will be amazed by how great your coffee tastes. Continue reading “Buying the Perfect Coffee Machine”

Why does ntro, raw, cbi not ask lazy greedy young panaji gujju LIARS FRAUDSTERS karan, nikhil for proof of writing for 6 years

In a clear indication of the WORSENING CONDITIONS of educated women in India , ntro, raw, cbi not ask lazy greedy young panaji gujju LIARS FRAUDSTERS karan, nikhil, sons of panaji’s top gujju sex service provider school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, for proof of writing work for the last 6 years

Instead the ntro, raw, cbi , security agency employees , goan and indian government blindly believes the complete the FRAUDSTER liar gujju brothers, karan, nikhil, who cunningly and falsely claim to own the iwriter, paypal, and bank account of a single woman engineer who their entire family hates. They are helped in their banking fraud by the sex addict top ntro employees nikhil sha , parmar, parekh who are so addicted to regular sex with their SEX service provider mother naina chandan, that they will break all rules.
The engineer is under scrutiny for more than 10 years now wasting Rs 40 crore of taxpayer money, yet ntro, raw, cbi have not found any proof at all.On the other hand, these fraud agencies are blindly believing all the lies of all those who make fake allegations against her like naina chandan’s fraud family, without any proof at all and also paying them monthly salaries for more than 5 years,
The engineer would like to ask the goan and indian government, raw, cbi, ntro, security agencies why they are blindly believing in the lies of the young gujju fraudsters driving red maruti brezza l2233, white suzuki access 6643, when they falsely claim that they are doing writing work, own the paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer for the last 6 years, why are they not asked for proof?

Why are the young gujju fraudsters karan, nikhil not put under surveillance to check whether they are actually writing for even one week, why are those who shout black money like google, tata, their mothers lovers, not asking them to show their bank account statement, with details of paypal payment.