The goa government is talking about It and internet sector, yet the security and intelligence agencies are doing everything to waste the time and cause losses to harmless hardworking citizens, especially in panaji, goa after subjecting them to BANKING,CREDIT CARD, REAL ESTATE FRAUD
For example writing an article on iwriter will take 30-40 minutes, just pressing the submit button so that the article is submitted into the iwriter database will take another 30-35 minutes in panaji, goa due to google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi hacking of the iball laptop of a private citizen to cover up their BANKING, REAL ESTATE, CREDIT CARD FRAUD on the domain investor, writer since 2010
On February 11, 2020, from 17.03 hours the domain investor and writer was trying to submit the article which was completed, yet the computer was hacked, so she could not connect repeatedly. The domain investor kept trying for 35 minutes and only then the article was submitted
When the domain investor has to waste so much time just for submitting a small text , how will she have time for other activities like housekeeping can google,tata, indian and state government explain
Category: Uncategorized
Shivalli brahmin community,officials in india’s greatest WRITING FRAUD to get bengaluru shivalli brahmin housewife nayanshree hathwar, COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING monthly raw salary
Since the indian, karnataka government, R&AW, cbi, ntro refuse to end their WRITING FRAUD, the domain investor who is also a prolific writer wishes to alert people that supported by google, tata, Shivalli brahmin community,officials like hathwar kodancha are involved in india’s greatest WRITING FRAUD to get bengaluru shivalli brahmin housewife nayanshree hathwar, COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING and does not do any computer work,a monthly raw salary at the expense of the real writer who is criminally defamed
The fraud LIAR shivalli brahmin officials are aware that their lazy greedy relative nayanshree hathwar, is only cooking and housekeeping in her house in bengaluru, she does no writing work, and also does not pay anyone for doing work for her, yet they refuse to end the fraud, and continue to make fake claims, CRIMINALLY DEFAMING, exploiting the real writer,.
yet in a massive TIME, SKILLS, FINANCIAL FRAUD the Shivalli brahmin community,officials are repeating the LIES of the SOCIOPATH LIAR BRAHMIN officials j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet, who are falsely claiming that nayanshree 2005 bbm, was their btech 1993 ee classmate in a case of PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT, and also falsely claiming that the housewife, who has no online income, owns the paypal, bank account of their btech 1993 ee classmate, the domain investor who they hate.
bank details, income tax returns will also legally prove that ntro employees are LIARS, yet R&AW continues to repeat their LIES to waste taxpayer money paying a monthly salary to nayanshree on the basis of FAKE CLAIMS of ntro employees who are supported by google, tata in the fraud. Anyone who can help end the writing fraud of the karnataka, indian government, kindly revert
Panaji gujju fraudster karan is in college, yet LIAR goa intelligence and security agencies continue with their WRITING, BANKING FRAUD
This is posted as a FRAUD ALERT so that people are not misled by the LIAR goa intelligence and security agencies, government who are openly involved in a WRITING, BANKING FRAUD making fake claims about raw/cbi employees gujju SEX QUEEN SCHOOL DROPOUT naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil to get a monthly salary without doing any computer work at all.
Writing is a very time consuming task, and a person has to do the work themselves or hire someone paying them a salary. Like the goan fraud raw/cbi employees riddhi nayak caro, sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, ruchika kinge, nayanshree hathwar, indore robber deepika, the panaji gujju fraudster family of naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons, nikhil karan, do not want to do any writing work themselves, do not hire anyone to do the writing work since no one will work for frauds and liars like them,
Instead the shameless gujju fraudster family criminally defames a single woman engineer and then falsely claims to own her iwriter, paypal, bank account in a WRITING, BANKING FRAUD which can be legally proved
The LIAR goa intelligence and security agencies are TAKING CASH BRIBES from the gujjju fraudster family of karan, nikhil,naina to continue with their WRITING, BANKING FRAUD . The fact that the LIAR goa intelligence and security agencies are LIARS, LACKING CREDIBILITY and should not be TRUSTED can be proved by the fact that karan is usually leaving home at around 7.45 am in his red maruti vitara brezza for his commerce college in panaji and does no writing work in college. He also cannot provide any proof of payment for the writing work
since they pay almost no taxes, the gujju fraudster family has plenty of BLACK MONEY to offer CASH BRIBES to the LIAR goa intelligence and security agency employees who are openly involved in a WRITING, FINANCIAL FRAUD on the domain investor since 2010, and are DUPING people, companies, and countries with their lies.
Because of their SCHOOL DROPOUT mother cbi employee naina chandan’s SEX SKILLS, indian and goan government refuses to question panaji gujju liar brothers nikhil, karan’s WRITING FRAUD
In 2020 the indian and goan government continues with its WRITING FRAUD refusing to question SHAMELESS LAZY LIAR panaji gujju brothers nikhil, karan’s WRITING FRAUD because of the great SEX SKILLS of their SCHOOL DROPOUT mother naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh
Panaji’s SCHOOL DROPOUT sex queen naina chandan illegally married at 16 to get sex practice and has some of the most powerful indian government employees like parmar, nikhil sha, and raw employee tushar parekh as her happy clients for her SEX SERVICES
so though the SHAMELESS LAZY LIAR panaji gujju brothers nikhil, karan are not doing any WRITING work at all, they are not hiring anyone to do any work, the corrupt indian and goan government blindly believes these SECTION 420 FRAUD gujju brothers when they falsely claim to own the bank account of a single woman engineer who they hate to pay the gujju fraudsters a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the engineer because of mother naina chandan’s EXCELLENT SEX SKILLS which all government employees enjoy
The SHAMELESS LIAR FRAUD gujju officials are always criticizing the honest hardworking engineer making FAKE ALLEGATIONS without any proof yet refuse to answer why the panaji gujju SEX QUEEN naina chandan, her shameless LAZY LIAR FRAUD sons karan, nikhil are FALSELY CLAIMING to own the BANK ACCOUNT of a single woman engineer who they HATE and are not on talking terms with
The engineer can legally prove that she owns the paypal, bank account, yet indicating the high levels of fraud in the indian internet sector, no one is questioning the the panaji fraudster brothers nikhil, karan for their WRITING, BANKING FRAUD for 7 years, they are only hounding and criminally defaming the legal bank account holder, the single woman engineer
why are ntro, raw,cbi only hounding the domain investor, why is no one questioning the panaji gujju SECTION 420 FRAUD LIAR karan on his WRITING, BANKING FRAUD for the last 7 years which can be easily proved if the indian and goan government really wishes to end FINANCIAL, WRITING FRAUD
When will the SHAMELESS LIAR GREEDY FRAUD goan bhandari officials,leaders community end their WRITING, PAYPAL, BANKING FRAUD
living in goa is difficult because of the shameless GREEDY LIAR FRAUD goan bhandari officials like pritesh chodakar,naik leaders and community which refuses to acknowledge hardwork, merit, experience and SKILLS of hardworking single woman engineers only CRIMINALLY DEFAMES the hardworking skilled women with the help of fraud companies like google, tata. The officials then falsely claims that LAZY GREEDY LIAR FRAUD goan bhandari women like sunaina, her sisters, cousin teji who do no computer work, own her iwriter, paypal,bank account
These shameless ROBBER goan bhandari officials are ROBBING the memory of a single woman bhandari engineer from karwar/kumta without a LEGALLY VALID REASON, COPY PASTING the ROBBED MEMORY on the brains of Shameless LAZY GREEDY LIAR FRAUD goan bhandari women like sunaina chodan, her sisters, cousin teji, who do not want to learn any computer, writing skills, only CRIMINALLY DEFAME and falsely claim to own her paypal, bank account
While sunaina chodan is world famous as the panaji prostitute as confirmed on, there is no reason why the goa government, goan bhandari community should falsely associate the engineer with various lazy greedy unskilled liar fraud goan bhandari women like teji, housewives or other frauds
The LIAR goan bhandari officials are taking advantage of the fact that the bhandari community in karwar/kumta is poor and does not offer much support to the hardworking single woman engineer, does not question the complete LIES of the goan bhandari officials,leaders community
Internet connection almostly completely blocked during the day in panaji, goa for prolific writer completing 100+ articles on iwriter monthly
One of the reasons why goa is facing a financial crisis is because the government is because the government is extremely ruthless in criminally defaming, harassing, cheating and exploiting hardworking honest skilled citizens, and making up FAKE STORIES about goan call girls,school dropout, robber, cheater housewives and other fraud raw/cbi employees, who do no computer work, falsely claiming that they are doing work online
The well paid government employees in goa, especially panaji are extremely greedy, and want a stake in every business in goa, otherwise they will criminally defame and harass the real business owner in the worst possible manner.
Initially these frauds wanted to take over the domain business, when it became clear that there is very less money, and the domain investor was mainly making money from writing, they have blocked the internet connection during the day from 9 am to 8 or 9 pm daily
Initially these frauds falsely claimed that the iwriter account of the private citizen, who was completing 100+ articles monthly belonged to the raw/cbi employees especially slim goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, and when the writer started protesting loudly about the fraud, they have simply blocked the internet connection of all three ISPs during the day in panaji, goa
yet it appears that the greedy government officials in goa, are not able to find suitable writers in panaji, goa, there are a large number of articles, which are still pending
The writer is facing internet connection problems since 11 December 2019, and this has reduced the income to a large extent, since she is just trying to connect to the internet , opening any page is taking a very long time. Indian and state governments are talking about skill india, yet skilled and hardworking citizens, find that their internet connection is blocked during the day, especially in panaji, goa
Due to extremely slow internet connection in panaji, 3 minutes required to submit article at iwriter
Due to ntro cybercrime making the internet connection extremely slow in panaji, goa, the domain investor is wasting 3 minutes just to submit one iwriter article on 16 december 2019,
This exposes the lack of humanity and honesty of ntro, raw, cbi, 13 frauds are getting monthly salaries for faking bank, iwriter account ownership with the help of cybercriminal ntro employees, while the legal bank account holder is finding that the internet connection is extremely slow
Fraud tata, google employees then compare the condition of the house to raw.cbi employees when they have bribed ntro employees to make the connection very slow, it is much slower than the internet connection in the year 2000, nearly twenty years ago
Instead of wasting so much time, trying repeatedly to submit the article, it is better to do offline work, which can be completed very quickly , since there is no one wasting time.
After the writing fraud is exposed, NTRO again hacks iwriter account of domain investor in panaji, goa
For 10 years, NTRO is involved in a writing fraud on the domain investor, hacking her laptop using million dollar equipment and falsely claiming that various housewives, call girls and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do no computer work, own the iwriter, paypal, bank account of the domain investor to pay them monthly salaries without doing any computer work at all.
After their writing fraud was exposed, ntro has hacked the iwriter account/laptop so that the domain investor cannot do any writing work. A screenshot of the message is displayed for reference and proof of the harassment faced by the hardworking domain investor who is a victim of a massive FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD for the last 10 years
She is unable to edit the draft article or do any other writing work. a lot of time is wasted , indicating the endless frauds in the indian internet sector
Google, tata, ntro hack domain investors iwriter account, firefox browser, so that she cannot complete a special request
For 7 years, google, tata, ntro were involved in a massive writing fraud on the domain investor falsely claiming that raw/cbi employees like goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, gujju school dropout cbi employee sex service provider naina chandan who looks like sneha wagh and their lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, who were not doing any computer work, owned the iwriter, paypal, bank account of the domain investor to pay all these frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the real writer, domain investor
Led by the SOCIOPATH, LIAR mhow cheater puneet, the ntro employees were making completely fake excuses to justify the financial, WRITING fraud on domain investor for 7 years, only after the domain investor is comparing her iwriter account 137870 with that of other writers in india like daniel webar from odissa 136312, was the great fraud of ntro, google, tata, raw, cbi exposed.
Though the indian and goan government, ntro, raw, cbi refuse to acknowledge the writing skills, of the domain investor, she has a large number of customers outside india, who would like to have their articles written by her, so they send special requests to her , which make her more money. However because the domain investor is exposing the fraud, ntro, google, tata are hacking her browser, micromax laptop so that she cannot access the special request and write it.
On the main page, there is a special request visible, yet when she checks the page, ntro, google, tata are hacking the browser, so that it is not visible. This had happened earlier, when she could find the special request from Igor and now again on 4 december 2019 she is unable to access the special request of 1000 words, worth $8.05 to complete it due to ntro hacking of the browser.
This clearly shows how ruthless google, tata, ntro are in harassing the domain investor whose identity, savings, memory, they have ROBBED RUTHLESSLY
though bengaluru brahmin raw employe housewife nayanshree hathwar, is only COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING, RAW, indian government continues to MAKE UP FAKE WRITING STORIES
indicating the worsening status of educated hardworking women, BRAHMIN ATROCITIES, NEPOTISM in india, though bengaluru brahmin raw employe housewife nayanshree hathwar, is only COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING, RAW, indian government continues to MAKE UP FAKE WRITING STORIES to pay her a monthly government salary without doing any computer work, while criminally defaming the real writer in the worst possible manner
The powerful FRAUD LIAR shivalli brahmin relatives of nayanshre hathwar have access to million dollar ntro equipment so they are hacking the laptop of the real writer and falsely claiming that nayanshree who is cooking, is doing the writing work to get her a monthly government salary at the expense of the real writer, domain investor who is broke and also has very less time
These relatives and sugar daddies of nayanshree like SOCIOPATH LIAR j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet are aware that nayanshree is not doing any computer work at all, yet they MISUSE the name of the real writer who they hate, and falsely give nayanshree, a cheater credit and monthly raw salary at the expense of the real writer for the last 7 years
The writer is protesting against the writing, BANKING FRAUD, yet the indian intelligence and security agencies, government lack the honesty and humanity to end the fraud, forcing the real writer to waste her time and money exposing the indian government writing fraud