Allegedly bribed by google, tata, the indian government is openly involved in a work at home fraud since 2010, falsely labelling hardworking citizens doing computer work at home, as a security threat without any proof, and falsely claiming that the relatives of the well paid security agency employees making FAKE ALLEGATIONS like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, who are actually COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING, are doing the computer work to pay them monthly raw/cbi salaries
So though the indian government falsely claims that raw/cbi employees who do no computer work are writing, computer work experts in reality it can be legally proved that the raw/cbi employees have never earned a single rupee online and are unlikely to do so in future also
Though NTRO, raw, cbi are falsely claiming that they are experts to justify the monthly salary they get, they have no experience at all, and cannot train anyone. The real writer who is being cheated is also complaining loudly about the fraud since she is denied the right to a life of dignity
Due to the indian government policy of falsely labelled skilled citizens a security threat just because they are working at home, most people are not interested in doing computer work at home. Now the government does not have money to pay salaries, so the well paid government employees working as teachers making Rs 60,000 a month are now working as laborers
Category: Uncategorized
Brahmin cheater R&AW employee housewife nayanshree hathwar cheats single woman engineer of Rs 35 lakh with her writing fraud
Indicating widespread rot in the indian internet sector, Brahmin cheater R&AW employee housewife nayanshree hathwar cheats single woman engineer of Rs 35 lakh with her writing fraud since 2013 with the help of google, tata
The brahmin housewife nayanshree hathwar refused to talk to the engineer, after her relatives, sugar daddies ROBBED the retirement savings of the engineer.
Yet in a clear case of government FINANCIAL FRAUD, the indian and karnataka government is falsely claiming that nayanshree who does no writing work at all, owns the iwriter, paypal, bank account of the single woman engineer to get nayanshree, a monthly raw salary at the expense of the engineer
The fraud bengaluru cheater housewife R&AW employee nayanshree hathwar is least interested in doing any writing work at all, opening her own iwriter account, relies on FRAUD ntro employees like j srinivasan, mhow monster puneet to make fake claims about the bank account of their btech 1993 ee classmate who they hate and get her a monthly raw salary at the expense of their classmate
Indicating the indian government policy of rewarding fraud on single women, the indian government refuses to end the financial fraud or question ntro employees why they are making fake claims about the bank account of a single woman who the NTRO employees HATE, have not contacted any time
Goan government WRITING FRAUD forces english teachers to recommend that goans apply for portuguese passports
Intelligence and security agencies in the rest of india, should realize that the website network is full of complaints, because business conditions in goa are some of the worst in India and the SHAMELESS CORRUPT LIAR government officials are least bothered because no action is taken against them when they abuse their power to commit fraud.
The domain investor, engineer is not the only person complaining. Though goa was liberated from the portuguese by the indian army, in 1961 at present, the conditions in goa are so terrible that english teachers settting the goa SSC board exam, are recommending that people in goa should apply for a portuguese passport and leave goa at the earliest
There are no jobs in goa for hardworking and meritorious people, all jobs are for those with influence like goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, her sisters,purvi, piyali, cousin teji, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro, who have powerful relatives in intelligence and security agencies, like caro, nayak, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar who have INFLUENCE to get their relatives jobs with FAKE BANK account, writing and computer work.
Similar, R&AW/cbi jobs for young panaji gujju fraudster brothers karan/nikhil who are also FAKING BANK account, writing and computer work at the expense of the person doing computer work, are examples of BRIBERY in goa, which led to portuguese passport recommendation for goans by teachers who are aware of the harsh reality of living in goa
Instead of sending notices to the four teachers who recommended portuguese passports for people in goa, they should be rewarded for their HONESTY, people, politicians should ask the goa government why well connected BRIBE GIVING FRAUDS are getting monthly government salaries for FAKING computer work, bank account, domain ownership
R&AW/cbi/ntro writing fraud since 2010 proof of terrible plight of women who actually work, government FINANCIAL FRAUD
The indian media carries the news of the worsening condition of working women in india, the fact that the condition of working women in India is the worst in the world, yet refuses to honestly analayze the reason.
One of the real reason for the poor status of educated working women is that government agencies like R&AW/cbi/ntro are openly involved in FINANCIAL FRAUD on educated working women in India. In the indian internet sector, the computers of the woman who is actually doing the work, spending her time and having the skills, are hacked without a legally valid reason.
Then the male ntro/raw/cbi employees are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy relatives, girlfriends and associates like nayanshree hathwar, gujju school dropout naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any time doing computer work, are doing the work, to pay all these frauds monthly raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the person actually doing the work
The government agencies are wasting Rs 5 crore of taxpayer money annually to criminally defame, cheat and exploit the hardworking single woman doing computer work, denying her fundamental rights since 2010. The indian and state government is openly involved in a writing, BANKING FRAUD, falsely claiming that iwriter account 137870 of a private citizen, belongs to the lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees like nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater 2005 bbm housewife nayanshree hathwar when nayanshree is only COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING, to get nayanshree a monthly raw salary at the expense of the real writer
The government blindly believes in the well paid LIAR ntro/raw employees making fake claims, all complaints of the government writing fraud victim are ignored, confirming the government role in the worsening status of educated working women in india, which the mainstream media does not cover.
Indian women writers get demotivated when the indian government FALSELY gives credit, monthly salaries to housewives who are only COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING and other frauds
The condition of working women in india is the worst in the world, because allegedly bribed by google, tata , the indian government refuses to acknowledge women writers who are spending their time and money writing for customers outside india, HUMILIATING, CHEATING and exploiting them since 2010
In a financial fraud, which can be legally proved in the court of law, the indian government is falsely claiming that the iwriter account 137870 of a private citizen, single woman belongs to its lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees like shivalli brahmin bengaluru cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, karan, nikhil, who are not doing any computer at all.
The housewives are cooking, call girls, and other fraud raw/cbi employees are enjoying themselves, they do no computer work at all, yet indicating a massive FINANCIAL FRAUD the indian government continues to defame women professionals and make fake claims about writing work, denying the real writer a life of dignity
To cover up the writing fraud, the PROSTITUTE, ROBBER PAMPERING, raw, cbi, ntro employees are making fake service tax allegations when these well paid SEX addict government employees are aware that writers make less than Rs 5 lakh in a years, and the government requires only those making Rs 20 lakh in a year from services to pay service tax
Rs 5 lakh is far less than Rs 20 lakh so no service tax has to be paid by the writers yet the ntro, raw, cbi, google, tata PIMPs supplying goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, naina chandan to ntro employees for sex, and get raw/cbi jobs for relatives of top officials like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, who do no computer work are shameless pathological liars making fake claims in one of the greatest online frauds
The real writer also has to waste a lot of time and money fighting the indian government DEFAMATORY PROPAGANDA with government employees falsely claiming to own the iwriter account.
R&AW, indian government cheating single woman domain investor of Rs 5 lakh annually due to writing, banking fraud since 2010
R&AW/cbi are involved in a fraud on hardworking writers in india, falsely claiming that their well paid employees own the paypal, bank account of private citizens who they hate, denying them a life of dignity
In another indication that the top government officials and companies in India are beating the nigerian fraudsters in online fraud for the last decade, For 7 years, fraud greedy companies google, tata make FAKE CLAIMS about bengaluru brahmin CHEATER housewife nayanshree COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING to get her a monthly raw salary at the expense of a hardworking single woman domain investor who is doing computer work for 8-10 hours or more daily
The FALSE PROPAGANDA of the shameless liar fraud indian internet and tech companies led by google, tata is part of the extremely SOPHISTICATED BRIBERY DEAL with the greedy shameless shivalli brahmin officials like kodancha, hathwar, who are nayanshree’s close relatives
Though they have no legally valid proof at all, the greedy shameless shivalli brahmin officials are abusing their powers, falsely labelling the hardworking single woman domain investor, a security threat without any kind of legally valid proof since 2010. Then with the help of the fraud ambitious brahmin ntro employees j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet, these LIAR shivalli brahmin officials are hacking the computers of the hardworking single woman, and falsely claiming that nayanshree who is only COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING in bengaluru is doing all the computer work, to get nayanshree a monthly raw salary at the expense of the single woman since 2013
The NTRO, raw, cbi, google, tata, employees, karnataka, indian government, shivalli brahmin officials and community are aware that bengaluru brahmin CHEATER housewife nayanshree is only COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING at home, she does no computer work at all, yet indicating the lack of honesty, humanity in indian, karnataka government and society they continue to make fake claims about the bengaluru brahmin CHEATER R&AW employee housewife nayanshree COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING while criminally defaming the hardworking single woman domain investor
This is posted as a fraud alert so that people, companies and countries are not duped by the FALSE propaganda of the bengaluru brahmin CHEATER R&AW employee housewife nayanshree COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING and should be aware that the indian government, R&AW is cheating the single woman domain investor, writer of Rs 5 lakh or more annually only for writing work, making fake claims about her iwriter, paypal, bank account.
Anyone who can help end this government fraud, please send email to
When all indians with a iwriter account do not pay service tax, can the indian, state governments, ntro, raw, cbi explain why the domain investor alone is falsely accused of tax evasion
No indian writer with a iwriter account is paying service tax, ntro is only hounding domain investor to pamper, reward their pet goan CALL GIRLS like goan bhandari sunaina chodan , cheater, robber relatives and friends with monthly raw/cbi salaries without doing any computer work at all
One of the features of the world’s greatest work at home fraud masterminded by the greedy fraud companies tata, google, is that some indian laws apply only to to the domain investor, not to other indian citizens who are making money from the same sources or have the same expenses paying other domain registrars
The indian and state governments especially the goan government is refusing to acknowledge the domain investor, falsely accusing her of tax evasion, when no indian citizen with a iwriter account is paying any kind of service tax , in a clear case of government fraud
there are many indian writers with their iwriter account, they do not pay service tax on their income, since most of them make less than Rs 10 lakh annually
NTRO led by the BRAHMIN FRAUD SOCIOPATH LIAR j srinivasan does not hound other indian citizens with a iwriter account and falsely claim that their pet panaji prostitute R&AW employees goan bhandari sunaina chodan, 2005 bbm bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar,riddhi nayak caro, ruchika kinge, who do no computer work, owns their iwriter, paypal, bank account, while defaming the other writers as idle, uneducated
Can the indian and state governments, especially the goan government, ntro, raw, cbi explain why all other indians with iwriter account do not pay service tax
Do fraud reddit user hypatianism and RBI reddit mods know of the WRITING FRAUD, of ntro, R&AW, cbi, indian and state governments especially karnataka, goa government
It is easy for people to commment on the quora profile of the domain investor on reddit, however few people are aware of the incredible WRITING, FINANCIAL FRAUD, of ntro, R&AW, cbi, indian and state governments especially karnataka government on the domain investor since 2010, which the CORRUPT indian and state governments refuse to end despite the domain investor protesting loudly.
Since 2010,reddit user hypatianism, RBI reddit mods and all those who commented in the extremely defamatory thread should be aware that ntro, raw, cbi, google, tata employees hacked the computers of the domain investor, and falsely claimed that their sugar babies, relatives, friends, girlfriends, associates, who were not doing any computer work, owned the iwriter, paypal, bank account to get all these frauds, a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the domain investor who is actually spending 8-10 hours daily doing computer work.
Despite spending so much time and money on computer hardware, the indian and state governments, especially goa,karnataka government were SHAMELESS in defaming.HUMILIATING the domain investor as a idle person, and falsely claiming that robber, cheater housewives like indore robber deepika, bengaluru cheater nayanshree hathwar, 2005 bbm, robber riddhi nayak caro, school dropout naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, asmita patel, ruchika kinge, call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar who were actually COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING, enjoying themselves or doing a job were doing the work to pay them all monthly salaries.
the indian and state government, ntro, raw, cbi, are repeating the lies of the male ntro/raw employees, especially from the btech 1993 ee class of the college mentioned in the profile, who falsely claim to know the domain investor well to MISUSE her name, defame, cheat and exploit her for ten years and get their real girlfriends and associates monthly raw/cbi salaries without doing any kind of computer work
India officially claims that all citizens are equal, yet the indian and state governments, especially karnataka, goa, madhya pradesh, haryana, maharashtra, want the domain investor to spend 8-10 hours or more daily doing the computer work,writing work and then falsely claim that her iwriter, paypal, bank account, belong to various google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree in a clear case of indian and state government FINANCIAL FRAUD since 2010
These google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree do not want to spend time doing writing work themselves, they also lack the skills to get paid for writing and online work ,they do not want to hire anyone to do the writing work, yet want to take credit, and get monthly salaries with the help of google, tata, EXPLOITING, CHEATING, HARASSING AND HUMILIATING the real domain investor. Since the indian and state government refuse to listen to the complaints opf the domain investor, she was forced to complain on quora to counter the false indian government propaganda on its financial fraud
If the government of the country is cheating some citizens, especially single older women of thousands of dollars annually to make the relatives, associates of government employees richer, for more than ten years and it is difficult to get any kind of help , what does the fraud victim do, can reddit user hypatianism, RBI reddit mods and all those who commented in the extremely defamatory thread explain
Fraud Reddit user Hypatianism, robber raw/cbi employees ruchika kinge, riddhi nayak caro, dehradun fraudster kirti faking writing work and defamatory reddit post
Indicating the complete lack of honesty and humanity in the indian internet sector, fraud companies tata, google, specialize in hacking the computers of hardworking honest indian paypal account holders, and then falsely claiming that well connected cunning shameless LIAR RAW/cbi employees like mba ruchika kinge, riddhi nayak caro, sunaina chodan, nayanshree hathwar, naina chandan, and other frauds who do no computer work, are doing the computer work to get them monthly salaries
To cover up the computer work fraud, google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi are extremely vicious in criminally defaming the person who is spending her time doing the work as mentally unsound, idle person
Though the google, tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud robber raw/cbi employees ruchika kinge, riddhi nayak caro do not have the skills to do any paid work themselves, hire anyone to do the writing work, these shameless greedy fraud raw/cbi employees are well trained in the indian internet sector TRADITION OF FRAUD, LIES, FALSELY TAKING CREDIT, criminally defaming hardworking people in the worst possible manner
The domain investor has been reviewing the reddit post when she noticed a major increase in the rejection rate of her articles, and noticed that her complete name was being provided
She then noticed that the extremely defamatory reddit post was ranking very well in some search engines. The post was made in June 2019, and because a relative was not well, and the internet connection was hacked, the domain investor could not check the internet properly or visit forums
The user Hypatianism could have easily contacted on quora, many people are contacting her, posting comments, and she will reply. Instead he made the extremely defamatory post
In his other comments, he has mentioned hari om, indicating that he is from dehradun/uttarkhand
The domain investor, now remembers that in june, a young caretaker kirti from dehradun was regularly involved in organized stalking incidents, and some one was falsely claiming that she was doing the writing work, though she was only hired for looking after a senior citizen. kirti was also wearing cullottes, which are trademark of fraudster R&AW employee ruchika kinge, there are other indications that robber riddhi nayak caro, was also making fake claims following the footsteps of the fraud company tata in FALSELY TAKING CREDIT
so the domain investor believes that after everyone was convinced that kirti, who was not doing any computer work, only looking after a senior citizen, in panaji, goa , was doing the writing work, mba hr fraudster ruchika kinge decided to implement her mumbai strategy which made her very powerful and has got the haryana fraudster monthly raw salary like riddhi nayak caro, nayanshree hathwar who are only cooking
There are indications that riddhi’s father nayak and ruchika’s sugar daddies have a tie up, a restaurant in the building nayak owns is named ruchi
So the cunning haryana R&AW employee fraudster mba hr ruchika kinge asked her associate fraud Reddit user Hypatianism, to post the extremely defamatory post, is ensuring that the post is not removed so that shameless greedy liar ruchika can continue to falsely claim credit, get a monthly salary for the writing work doing by the person who is criminally defamed by the bribe taking reddit user hypatianism
The FRAUD LIAR google,tata sponsored karnal, haryana fraudster mba hr ruchika kinge is getting a monthly R&AW salary without doing any computer work, without investing any money in domains for 8 years, only for CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real domain investor as mentally unsound, fraud ruchika, like nayanshree, riddhi nayak caro,sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar other fraud raw/cbi employees can afford to pay a large amount as bribes to frauds like fraud Reddit user Hypatianism, the moderators of the fraud reddit section, reddit bureau of investigation to ensure that the defamatory post on real domain investor is not deleted
R&AW, goan bhandari officials making fake claims about GREEDY LIAR slim FRAUD scooter driving mother with kids involved in WRITING FRAUD
When slim FRAUD scooter driving mother is only looking after her children, why are R&AW, goan bhandari officials making up fake stories to defame the real writer
When mothers with young children have almost no free time, why are R&AW, goan bhandari officials making up fake stories about slim FRAUD scooter driving mother
Most mothers with young children, especially less than one year old, do not have any free time at all, if they have no help at home. The domain investor has noticed families with young children and it was very difficult for the mother to have any free time for anything else, even look after themselves. The children are crying, running around, food has to be cooked, cleaning and other work has to be done.
Writing articles is very time consuming, it can take one hour or more to write a 300 word article if research is required. Managing websites, domains, is also expensive and time consuming. It is extremely difficult for a mother with young children to spend 4-5 hours daily doing computer work. Surveillance will also indicate that the scooter driving fraud slim mother with two young children including a baby (who looks like sunaina chodan) in panaji, goa, is not doing any computer work at home.
Yet indicating the widespread rot in indian, goan government, society, the government officials are so vicious in defaming the real writer, a single woman domain investor, private citizen, that they are hacking her computers, and then falsely claiming that call girls, housewives and other frauds, who do no computer work, are doing the work.