Goan call girl R&AW employees are KISSING EXPERTS, not writing experts

One of the greatest frauds of ntro, raw, cbi is how they are promoting the goan call girl R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi , who have no online income as online writing,experts, domain investors, when the real skills of these raw employees are very different.
Both the raw employees are queens of kissing and experts in the art of seducing men, not in writing

Now siddhi has made her facebook page private, a few years ago, it was public and it had a lot of steamy photos of siddhi hugging, kissing and being kissed by her multiple boyfriends
In particular there was a photo of siddhi being kissed simultaneously on either cheek by her multiple boyfriends and she was extremely proud of her photo

Though the panaji goan bhandari slim sex queen sunaina does not post any photos on her social media pages, people in panaji , especially those who walking on the footpath, near the fire brigade, and government quarters, st inez would get a glimpse of sunaina’s kissing skills, as she kissed her boyfriend on his neck, while he was driving his grey j8651 scooter
Unfortunately for the last three months, now slim sex queen sunaina’s photographer boyfriend has got a job outside panaji, probably outside india, and is visiting her only once in three months. so the walkers in panaji are missing the free kissing entertainment which the slim goan bhandari call girl raw employee sunaina offered to the public in panaji, especially st inez and campal area

From a Twin to a King

Last week I bought my first bed. I had been sleeping on twin beds since I was a child. My parents bought my bed for me, and it served me well because I was just a kid, but as I grew, I became too big for the bed. When I was in college, I had a twin bed in my tiny dorm room, and I hated it. It wasn’t until my junior and senior year that I moved into a dorm that had a queen sized bed, and it was infinitely better. On Sleep Matters I found a nice king sized bed that was even better than the queen sized one.

The king sized bed that I purchased was a memory foam bed. Continue reading “From a Twin to a King”

Extremely cruel BRIBE TAKING security agency, ntro employees mercilessly torture hardworking writers in panaji,goa to cover up their BANKING FRAUD

It is extremely difficult to work in panaji, goa because the Extremely cruel BRIBE TAKING security agency, ntro employees are LIARS, BANKING FRAUDSTERS shamelessly making fake claims about the bank account of hardworking private citizens to get google, tata supplied goan call girls, school dropouts like gujju housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh and her sons,karan, nikhil, robbers like riddhi nayak caro and frauds to get all these frauds raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the hardworking citizen

These section 420 fraud ntro, security agency employees who are supported by googke, tata in their human rights abuses, they mercilessly torture hardworking writers in panaji,goa to cover up their skills, BANKING FRAUD causing insomnia and great pain to the hardworking harmeless writers in panaji, This adversely affects the productivity of the writer, since they are likely to make more mistakes if they have not slept well.

In other states like orissa, tamil nadu, the leaders and officials have the honesty, humanity and vision to acknowledge the skills, experience of writers and other hardworking citizens only in goa, the government continues to make fake claims about the SKILLS, BANK ACCOUNT of google, tata sponsored SEX SERVICE PROVIDERS, robbers, cheaters and frauds and mercilessly tortures hardworking citizens.

Extremely cruel BRIBE TAKING security agency, ntro employees mercilessly torture hardworking writers in panaji,goa to cover up their BANKING FRAUD

It is extremely difficult to work in panaji, goa because the Extremely cruel BRIBE TAKING security agency, ntro employees are LIARS, BANKING FRAUDSTERS shamelessly making fake claims about the bank account of hardworking private citizens to get google, tata supplied goan call girls, school dropouts like gujju housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh and her sons,karan, nikhil, robbers like riddhi nayak caro and frauds to get all these frauds raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the hardworking citizen

These section 420 fraud ntro, security agency employees who are supported by googke, tata in their human rights abuses, they mercilessly torture hardworking writers in panaji,goa to cover up their skills, BANKING FRAUD causing insomnia and great pain to the hardworking harmeless writers in panaji, This adversely affects the productivity of the writer, since they are likely to make more mistakes if they have not slept well.

In other states like orissa, tamil nadu, the leaders and officials have the honesty, humanity and vision to acknowledge the skills, experience of writers and other hardworking citizens only in goa, the government continues to make fake claims about the SKILLS, BANK ACCOUNT of google, tata sponsored SEX SERVICE PROVIDERS, robbers, cheaters and frauds and mercilessly tortures hardworking citizens.

Buying the Perfect Coffee Machine

Coffee is an essential part of the day. It helps has to be productive and tastes amazing. Cuppabean has the best information about all of the current coffee machines on the market. Coffee connoisseurs may have different tastes, but they can almost always agree that the perfect cup of coffee is one that is skillfully crafted. There are coffee machines for every budget, including those that can also multitask and make fancy espresso and tea.

Even if you’re a beginner, you can craft amazing coffee with the press of a button. Some machines have built-in coffee grinders and allow the flavor to be released right as the coffee is brewing for optimal freshness. All your friends will be amazed by how great your coffee tastes. Continue reading “Buying the Perfect Coffee Machine”

Why does ntro, raw, cbi not ask lazy greedy young panaji gujju LIARS FRAUDSTERS karan, nikhil for proof of writing for 6 years

In a clear indication of the WORSENING CONDITIONS of educated women in India , ntro, raw, cbi not ask lazy greedy young panaji gujju LIARS FRAUDSTERS karan, nikhil, sons of panaji’s top gujju sex service provider school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, for proof of writing work for the last 6 years

Instead the ntro, raw, cbi , security agency employees , goan and indian government blindly believes the complete the FRAUDSTER liar gujju brothers, karan, nikhil, who cunningly and falsely claim to own the iwriter, paypal, and bank account of a single woman engineer who their entire family hates. They are helped in their banking fraud by the sex addict top ntro employees nikhil sha , parmar, parekh who are so addicted to regular sex with their SEX service provider mother naina chandan, that they will break all rules.
The engineer is under scrutiny for more than 10 years now wasting Rs 40 crore of taxpayer money, yet ntro, raw, cbi have not found any proof at all.On the other hand, these fraud agencies are blindly believing all the lies of all those who make fake allegations against her like naina chandan’s fraud family, without any proof at all and also paying them monthly salaries for more than 5 years,
The engineer would like to ask the goan and indian government, raw, cbi, ntro, security agencies why they are blindly believing in the lies of the young gujju fraudsters driving red maruti brezza l2233, white suzuki access 6643, when they falsely claim that they are doing writing work, own the paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer for the last 6 years, why are they not asked for proof?

Why are the young gujju fraudsters karan, nikhil not put under surveillance to check whether they are actually writing for even one week, why are those who shout black money like google, tata, their mothers lovers, not asking them to show their bank account statement, with details of paypal payment.

Gujju ca’s fairskinnned short LAZY LIAR bespectacled daughter is latest panaji FRAUD WRITER, BANKING FRAUDSTER

Goa is not considered one of the better states for doing business because the top intelligence and security agency employees are some of greatest FRAUDSTERS AND LIARS in the world beating the nigerian fraudsters in their banking online fraud
Joining the long list of goan and gujju fraudsters in goa, who are faking ownership of a paypal account, is the Gujju ca’s fairskinnned short LAZY LIAR bespectacled daughter is latest panaji FRAUD WRITER, BANKING FRAUDSTER on a black scooter 1983 , who is falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of the domain investor to get great powers, allegedly supported by google, tata
The domain investor got the hint that some fraud was taking place, because suddenly the female started waving, when earlier she would never show any sign of recognition.

The lazy greedy gujju young gujju fraudsters, goa’s deepika is least interested in doing any work at all, relies on powerful fraud LIAR gujju officials to make fake claims and get her powers, privileges at the expense of the engineer who is actually doing the work, spending many hours. For 9 years the cunning shameless gujju fraudsters led by parmar have criminally defamed the writer.

Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Maharashtra will acknowledge the writer who is spending time writing for many hours daily only Goa government continues its fraud on hardworking writers with security and intelligence employees criminally defaming them and falsely giving lazy greedy frauds like the young gujju, goa fraudsters, who do not do any work credit and salaries. Details of the iwriter account of writers from these states can be provided

Bank details will legally expose the latest gujju WRITING, BANKING FRAUD in panaji, goa. Kindly note that no gujju is associated in any way, with the domain investor and her iwriter account which has more than 140 articles completed monthly, though powerful LIAR gujju officials are making fake claims and defaming the writer, circulating photoshopped videos and photos.

NTRO’s endless torture, human rights abuses on world torture day,in panaji, goa, adversely affects productivity of writers in panaji

Herald reported that June 27, was celebrated as world torture day in Margao. It did not report how ntro, security agencies are torturing harmless indian citizens, using wireless technology, and how it adversely affects their income, productivity.

They did not report how the cruel liar cruel fraud ntro employees ruthlessly tortured the harmless single woman engineer, whose identity, memory, correspondence they are robbing to enjoy lifetime FREE SEX with the google, tata supplied goan call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, naina chandan,get monthly salaries their robber cheater relatives riddhi nayak caro, nayanshree hathwar, indore fraud veena, asmita patel and other fraud raw/cbi employees in panaji goa

NTRO has a sophisticated equipment which can cause great pain at the back of the neck and head using wireless methods, and they were using it to torture the engineer the whole day, causing great pain and making it difficult to focus on the work being done. Similarly at night, ntro used high tech wireless equipment to cause insomnia at night in panaji, goa, so the engineer is unable to do much writing and other work on June 28, 2019, also

Hence because of the torture of the BRIBE TAKING LIAR ROBBER CRUEL ntro employees in panaji, goa, the engineer is unable to do much writing work on both world torture day, and also the next day, indicating the rampant human rights abuses of harmless citizens in panaji, goa with no one willing to help the citizens in any way, because wireless technology is being used

Unlike other states in India, writers in goa waste a lot of time and money fighting GOVERNMENT FRAUD, DEFAMATION of writers

There are many other indians on Iwriter, in other states like Orissa (Daniel Webar), Tamil Nadu (TRP Prabhakaran) who are making some money writing, spending their time, after acquiring good written English skills.

The government in those states has the humanity and honesty to acknowledge the writers skills, hard work and lead a life of dignity. Only in panaji, goa, the local intelligence and security agency employees are LIARS openly involved in iwriter, paypal, BANKING FRAUD, duping people, companies and countries with their completely fake claims for the last 9 years allegedly bribed by google, tata

These liar government employees falsely claiming that the gujju chartered accountant’s short fairskinned BESPECTACLED SHAMELESS LAZY LIAR GREEDY daughter in panaji like goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, gujju fraudsters karan, nikhil, sons of school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar and other raw/cbi emplooyees who do not do any writing work, own the iwriter, paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer, a private citizen

The BANKING FRAUD of goan government employees can be legally proved in the court of law, yet the goan government refuses to end the fraud, forcing the real writer to waste her time and money to end the criminal defamation of government employees. It this lack of honesty and unwillingness to acknowledge hard work, which is responsible for many of the financial problems in goa.

This is in addition to the karnataka government fraud, which falsely claims that shivalli brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, who does not do any computer work, owns the iwriter, paypal, bank account of the domain investor and engineer, so that nayanshree hathwar, is getting a monthly raw salary without doing any work, without investing any money at all.

Section 420 FRAUD LIAR BRAHMIN CHEATER NTRO employee J srinivasan making FAKE CLAIMS about bengaluru brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshre hathwar who does no writing work

In 2019 it can be legally proved that the powerful Section 420 FRAUD LIAR BRAHMIN CHEATER NTRO employee J srinivasan is making FAKE CLAIMS about bengaluru brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshre hathwar who does no writing work, and also does not invest any money online, to get her a monthly raw salary at the expense of his btech 1993 ee classmate who he HATES

The cunning ruthless shameless brahmin cheater j srinivasan, is aware that nayanshree hathwar has very powerful relatives like kodancha, hathwar who will help him in his career if he willABUSE HIS POWER AND DUPE people, companies, countries and the indian government that their lazy greedy mediocre relative nayanshree hathwar, who is not spending any time online, is doing work online to get her a raw salary without doing any work at all.

So the cunning cruel fraud LIAR J srinivasan is putting his btech 1993 ee classmate under surveillance and then being a shameless LIAR AND FRAUD he is falsely claiming that his SUGAR BABIES nayanshree hathwar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, who do not spend any time online, or doing computer work, is doing the work to get all his SUGAR BABIES monthly raw salaries
Writing is a very time consuming activity and the person who is actually writing has no time for other work, so in most countries like Kenya, United States, South Africa, the government has the humanity and honesty to acknowledge the real writer, only in India, ruthless cruel FRAUDS AND LIARS like j srinivasan, are not questioned for their FRAUD, LIES

BANK DETAILS will legally prove that ntro employee j srinivasan, like mhow cheater puneet is a LIAR making fake claims to criminally defame, destroy the life of his real btech 1993 ee classmate who he hates
In countries like USA , LIARS like martha stewart are sent to jail for telling lies, only in india, the government blindly BELIEVES SHAMELESS BRAZEN LIARS INVOLVED IN BANKING FRAUD like j srinivasan, and hires anyone who these LIARS recommend

This is posted as a FRAUD ALERT because it can be legally proved that top ntro employees are LIARS, BANKING FRAUDSTERS criminally defaming the domain investor since 2010