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The Science of Scale | Best Business Coaching in Australia
Month: June 2022
Working on My Skills Has Really Helped Me in the Workplace
I was previously just doing okay in my job as a project manager for a well-known company when I realized that I wasn’t doing as well as other project managers in the company. I spoke to my boss about it, and he explained that I could use some help with my consultative selling skills. I needed to be able to build much better on my relationships with my clients. I had not previously noticed that I had a weak point that stood out so much to my boss, but I knew that the fact that he noticed something meant that I needed to rectify the issue as soon as possible.
I didn’t want to ask my manager how to fix my weak point. I wanted to show him that I could figure out how to do that and simply show him results after working on the issue. I decided to get the assistance of a company that helps you further your sales and management skills. I didn’t announce that I was getting help, I simply attended their courses in my own free time outside of work hours.
The classes I took really opened up my eyes to what issues I was having with pitching projects to clients. I learned how to talk less and listen more. You can’t assess things well if you’re busy talking too much. I learned that it’s important to anticipate the client’s needs and fulfill those needs in a way that isn’t merely sufficient, but goes above and beyond. I was also taught better analysis skills that I was previously weak in. Since taking the courses, I feel more comfortable with my clients, and they feel more comfortable with me, which has translated to more sales. My boss has noticed, and he’s promoting me next month because of it.